Releases: creof/wkt-parser
Releases · creof/wkt-parser
[2.2.0] - 2016-05-03
- Tests namespace to PSR-0 autoload in composer.json.
- Support for 3DZ, 3DM, 4DZM objects added. Dimension(s) now in 'dimension' key of returned array.
- Token pattern regex changed to capture numbers in scientific notation as a single value.
- Let PHP handle scientific number conversion to float instead of manually calculating.
- Only instantiate Lexer object in Parser constructor if it doesn't exist.
- Move function return value tests from switch statement in Lexer. Switch statement now doing only string comparison.
- Remove static visibility from Lexer instance in Parser.
- PHPUnit now bootstraps Composer autoload.
- Update PHPUnit config XML to be compliant with XSD.
- Documentation updated for 3DZ, 3DM, 4DZM support.
- Removed E token used with scientific notation from Lexer.
- Removed now unused TestInit.
- Add tokens for 3DM, 3DZ, and 4D coordinates to Lexer.
- Method Lexer::value() to get current token value.
- Match Z, M, or ZM tokens in Parser (not currently used).
- Add test for Parser reuse.
- Add test for Lexer reuse.
- Regex used to catch tokens.
- Allow Lexer instantiation with no parameters so object can be reused.
- Allow Parser instantiation with no parameters so object can be reused.
- Changed visibility of Parser::$type.
- Use Lexer::value() in Parser.
- Set srid to null before parsing value.
- Consolidated all Parser test data into ParserTest.
- Update usage documentation in