Here we provide the steps for running Phase2.2 MISC R package. This package specifically requres Phase2.2 data.
In R, install and load the latest version of Phase2.2MISCRPackage from GitHub with remotes and run:
subdir = 'FourCePhase2.2MISC',
upgrade = FALSE)
To run the analysis you will have to run the function 'FourCePhase2.2MISC::runAnalysis'. Before running it update the arguments accordingly to your site.
- dir.input will be the path to the folder where you have the 2.2 MISC files. Note that the name of files should be the same than the regular 2.2 files
- dir.output will be the folder where the results will be saved.
- obfuscation: if you do not need to apply obfuscation to your site, leave it as FALSE, if not change it to the numeric value (e.g., 3)
- raceAvailable: set it to FALSE if you do not have these information available.
- country: set it to your country (e.g., "us", "france", "spain", "uk")
- data_updated_date: change it to the date when your data was generated.
- dateFormat: this is set to the dateFormat used in 4CE, change it if you have your dates in another format.
- verbose: leave it as TRUE to get the log file
FourCePhase2.2MISC::runAnalysis( dir.input = "/path_input_2.2MISCdata/",
dir.output = "/path_to_folder_to_save_output/",
obfuscation = FALSE,
raceAvailable= TRUE,
country = "yourCountry",
data_update_date = "2022-06-01",
dateFormat = "%Y-%m-%d",
verbose = TRUE)
Note that if you run the function multiple times you will get a warning saying that the output directory already exists. You can ignore the warning since the output files generated are overwritten each time.
What outputs are generated?
figures folder: contains visual summaries of the cohort counts
- Age distribution
- Hospitalization length distribution
- Number of patients in ICU per variant
- Patient counts per month
QC folder:
- SITEID_ICDdiagnosisCodes.RData: contains the ICD codes available in the patient population
- MISC_logs_QC.txt: contains the runtime logs and warnings from running the package
SITEID_table1.txt: human readable Table 1 (demographics & comorbidities)
SITEID_table2.txt: human readable Table 2 (lab values)
SITEID_table3.txt: human readable Table 3 (diagnoses)
SITEID_table1Categorical.RData: raw, obfuscated, aggregate counts for Table 1 categorical variables (demographics & comorbidities)
SITEID_table1Continuous.RData: raw, obfuscated, aggregate counts for Table 1 continuous variables (demographics & comorbidities)
SITEID_table2AtAdmission.RData: raw, obfuscated, aggregate counts for Table 2 laboratory values at admission
SITEID_table2DuringAdmission.RData: raw, obfuscated, aggregate counts for Table 2 laboratory values during admission
SITEID_table3.RData: raw, obfuscated, aggregate counts for Table 3 (diagnoses)
Please share the generated output folder with us (@Simran Makwana, @Alba Gutierrez ) via the #pediatrics Slack channel. If you run into any problem adapting this code to your data, let us know via Slack.
Thank you very much for your contribution!