I2C library and tools (lsi2c) for linux
This package contains an I2C dev library.
The various tools included in this package are grouped by category, each category has its own sub-directory:
include C/C++ header files for I2C and SMBus access over i2c-dev. Installed by default.
lib The I2C library. Installed by default.
lsi2c The i2c bus scanning utility
./autogen.sh ./configure then simply run "make" to build the library and tools, and "make install" to install them. You also can use "make uninstall" to remove all the files you installed. By default, files are installed in /usr/local but you can change the location by editing the Makefile file and setting prefix to wherever you want. You may change the C compiler and the compilation flags as well, and also decide whether to build the static library or not.
Optionally, you can run "make strip" prior to "make install" if you want smaller binaries. However, be aware that this will prevent any further attempt to debug the library and tools.
See files in doc folder