This project lets you write Storm Bolts in Java with strict data contracts:
Bolt input and output are POJOs
public class MyBolt implements IContractsBolt<MyBoltInput,Collection<MyBoltOutput>> {
public Collection<MyBoltOutput> execute(MyBoltInput input) {
MyBoltOutput output = new MyBoltOutput();
if (input.y.isPresent()) {
output.z = input.y.get() + input.x;
else {
output.z = "default" + input.x;
return Lists.newArrayList(output);
public Collection<MyBoltOutput> createDefaultOutput() {
return Lists.newArrayList();
Support Guava Optional and Hibernate Validator for strict data contracts
public class MyBoltInput {
public Integer x;
public Optional<String> y;
public class MyBoltOutput {
public String z;
- All input contract violations are reported to storm.
- All #execute() exceptions are reported to storm.
- All output contract violations are reported to storm, and the default output is emitted instead.
BaseContractsBoltExecutor supports adding a caching mechanism via inheritance and overriding of BaseContractsBoltExecutor#createCacheDAO. Cached input contracts should be annotated with @Cached annotation and fields which are used as cache keys should be annotated with @CacheKey
public class Input {
public Integer input1;
public Optional<Integer> optionalInput2;
public class MyCacheDAO<TOutput> implements CacheDAO<TOutput> {
public Map<Map<String, Object>, TOutput> cache = new HashMap<>();
public Optional<TOutput> get(Map<String, Object> input) {
if (cache.containsKey(input)) {
return Optional.of(cache.get(input));
return Optional.absent();
public void save(TOutput output, Map<String, Object> inputKey, long startTimeMillis) {
cache.put(inputKey, output);
public class MyCachedContractBoltExecutor<TInput, TOutput, TContractsBolt extends IContractsBolt<TInput, TOutput>>
extends BaseContractsBoltExecutor {
protected CacheDAO<TInput, TOutput> createCacheDAO(Map stormConf, TopologyContext context) {
return new MyCacheDAO<TOutput>();
CSV file header is used to inject data into MyBoltInput and expected MyBoltOutput during unit tests
public class MyBoltTest {
private MyBolt bolt;
public void before() {
bolt = new MyBolt();
public void after() {
//reads from src/main/resources/MyBoltTest.csv
@Test(dataProviderClass=TestDataProvider.class, dataProvider="csv")
public void testExecute(MyBoltInput input, MyBoltOutput expectedOutput) {
Collection<MyBoltOutput> outputs = bolt.execute(input);
MyBoltOutput output = Iterables.getOnlyElement(outputs);
assertReflectionEquals(expectedOutput, output);
public void testDefaultOutput() {
TopologyBuilder builder = new TopologBuilder();
builder.setBolt("myContractsBolt",new BaseContractsBoltExecutor(new MyContractsBolt()))
Bolt expects a pair tuple (such as [id, data]). The second item of the pair is expected to be one of the following:
- the expected input type, will be validated by the bolt.ObjectNode
- a weakly typed object (Jackson parsed JSON object similar to Map). Converted to MyBoltInput and validated.Map
- converted into anObjectNode
and then converted into MyBoltInput and validated.
This behavior can be modified by overriding the BaseContractsBoltExecutor#transformInput() method.
The bolt emits a pair tuple (such as [id, data]). The second item of the pair is a MyBoltOutput`
This behavior can be modified by overriding the BaseContractsBoltExecutor#transformOutput() method:
public class ToMapContractsBoltExecutor<TInput, TOutput, TContractsBolt extends IContractsBolt<TInput, TOutput>> extends BaseContractsBoltExecutor<TInput, TOutput, TContractsBolt> {
public ToMapContractsBoltExecutor(TContractsBolt contractsBolt) {
protected Object transformOutput(Object output) {
return ContractConverter.instance().convertContractToMap(output);
Normally, contract bolts will "absorb" any attribute that passes by them. This means that the only attributes available to any bolt connected after a contract bolt will be the attributes specified in the output of that contract bolt.
One way around this is doing an old-fashioned join, but this because very hard to maintain if dealing with a large topology.
A quick solution around this is the use of the @EnrichmentBolt
annotation, which will indicate to the ContractBoltExecutor that this bolt is in "upsert" mode to the attributes map: it will only append (or update, if already existent) to it and will let the other attributes bypass it for the next bolts to use.
public class MyEnrichmentBolt extends BaseContractBolt<MyInput, MyOutput> {
// This bolt will allow attributes not in its input/output pass right through it
<!-- Annotation dependencies -->
<!-- testing dependencies -->
<name>forter public</name>