Serves as and Protocol.Love web stacks as a WP Network
This is a simple starter project to get the Protocol.Love and CoGov content on a Wordpress platform, connected to a GraphQL server to serve as a federated data API for Holochain integration.
The server is currently configured at the following root domain, and additional domains are then mapped into the Network Sites themselves, such as
being mapped on the
WP Network.
Shared data and theming with distinct designs and autonomy
- Wordpress platform (custom code only) for content site(s)graphql
- Protocol.Love Apollo Bridge for a federated GraphQL APIwebapp
- Svelte/Sapper as hApp frontend for main web interface
- Current content engine is built on Wordpress
- Structured content and custom site builder using a customized Wordpress theme/plugin instance and Elementor, using a GraphQL connector to expose a common (graphql) data API.
- Open source tools, free tier for three users (Wordpress, Apollo, WP plugins)
- Passwords for systems are in CoGov Workflowy, or elsehwere (see admins)
- A super fast common theme with landing pages, page parts, navigation, custom taxonomy, and blog
- Global deployment on shared hosting server on Namecheap (cPanel managed)
- Create landing pages and use custom page building components for custom web frontend
- Wordpress Multisite with custom plugins/conmfiguration for security, data integrity, profile management, content design, marketing, and more
- Clone this repository
git clone
yarn install
to install dependencies- more to come on this...
Documentation - also see individual projects README's in this (mono)repo
It is sometimes annoying if you forget to initiate and update submodules because the code doesn't appear at first. Fortunately, there are some tricks to make it easier:
git submodule update --init
This will update the submodules, and if they're not initiated yet, will initiate them.
- graphql
- wp-site/web
You can also have submodules inside of submodules. In this case you'll want to update/initiate the submodules recursively:
git submodule update --init --recursive
This is a lot to type, so you can make an alias:
git config --global alias.update '!git pull && git submodule update --init --recursive'