Python library for the Withings Health API
Withings Health API
Uses OAuth 2.0 to authenticate. You need to obtain a client id and consumer secret from Withings by creating an application here:
pip install withings-api
For a complete example, checkout the integration test in scripts/
. It has a working example on how to use the API.
from withings_api import WithingsAuth, WithingsApi, AuthScope
from withings_api.common import get_measure_value, MeasureType
auth = WithingsAuth(
client_id='your client id',
consumer_secret='your consumer secret',
callback_uri='your callback uri',
mode='demo', # Used for testing. Remove this when getting real user data.
authorize_url = auth.get_authorize_url()
# Have the user goto authorize_url and authorize the app. They will be redirected back to your redirect_uri.
credentials = auth.get_credentials('code from the url args of redirect_uri')
# Now you are ready to make calls for data.
api = WithingsApi(credentials)
meas_result = api.measure_get_meas()
weight_or_none = get_measure_value(meas_result, with_measure_type=MeasureType.WEIGHT)
Building, testing and lintings of the project is all done with one script. You only need a few dependencies.
- python3 in your path.
- The python3
The build script will setup the venv, dependencies, test and lint and bundle the project.
There exists a simple integration test that runs against Withings' demo data. It's best to run this after you have successful builds.
Note: after changing the source, you need to run build for the integration test to pickup the changes.
source ./venv/bin/activate
./scripts/ --client-id <your client id> --consumer-secret <your consumer secret> --callback-uri <your clalback uri>
The integration test will cache the credentials in a <project root>/.credentials
file between runs. If you get an error saying
the access token expired, then remove that credentials file and try again.