An unofficial protonmail client for python using pgpy, bcrypt, and atom.
It can be used sync or async and currently supports twisted and tornado for python 2.7 and up.
Currently it supports reading and sending messages to protonmail users and outside users. Sending and receving attachments are not yet supported.
Create a client for a given user and pass the password to the login method.
from getpass import getpass
from protonmail.client import Client
# Login
client = Client(Username="someuser",
blocking=True) # It's async by default
# If using different keys for login and mailbox you must unlock separately
Once authenticated and unlocked, you can do API requests using the dot notation or by calling request with the path.
# Use dot notation
# Or use request and the path
# Can also pass method, body, headers, and cookies'PUT', body={'IDs':['msid1...==', '...']})
# Poll for updates
Use the webclient to see what API's are available.
from protonmail responses import ConversationsResponse, ConversationResponse
# First get the list of messages
r = client.api.conversations(response=ConversationsResponse)
# Open the first conversation
conversation = r.Conversations[0]
r = client.api.conversations(conversation.ID, response=ConversationResponse)
# Open and read the first message from the conversation
r = client.read_message(r.Messages[0].ID)
# Now decrypt and read the message
m = client.read_message(m)
# Poll to see if any events occurred
# this passes the clients EventID by default
from protonmail.models import EmailAddress
# Create a draft
r = client.create_draft()
draft = r.Message
draft.Subject = "Hello from python!"
draft.DecryptedBody = "JS got you down huh?"
draft.ToList = [
EmailAddress(Address="", Name="User"),
# Save the draft if needed
r = client.save_draft(draft)
# Now send it
r = client.send_message(draft)
if r.Code != 1000:
There's also a shortcut client.send_simple
which does eveything above.
Once done be sure to logout.
# Logout
License is now GPL. For alternate licensing contact me (guess my email).
This was written based on the web client. Please audit the code and report bugs.
Feel free to buy me a coffee to say thanks.
Thank you!