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An unsupervised learning Python package designed for clustering tasks.

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A self-contained, scikit-learn API-oriented Python package supporting a variety of different clustering algorithms for Machine Learning applications.

Developed as part of "Mathematical aspects in Machine Learning", Freie Universität Berlin, summer semester 2017.


This package provides the following functionality:

Distance-based clustering:

  • Regular space clustering
  • K-Means/K-Means++ (Lloyd-type iterative method)

Density-based clustering:

  • Mean shift

Similarity/graph-based clustering:

  • Spectral clustering (Normalized cuts method/standardized graph Laplacian)
  • Affinity Propagation
  • Hierarchical clustering

Note: Spectral clustering and Affinity propagation offer options to cluster on abstract graphs and adjacency/similarity arrays.

Fuzzy methods:

  • Fuzzy C-Means

Consensus clustering (similarity-based):

  • By reclustering points
  • By reclustering clusters and competing for points


from clustertools.models.density import MeanShift
from clustertools.load_data import load_spiral_data

data = load_spiral_data(scale=True)

ms_instance = MeanShift(data,**params)


numpy, scipy, matplotlib


Call python install from project directory. Alternatively, call

pip install git+

to install from github.


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An unsupervised learning Python package designed for clustering tasks.






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