This is the supplementary material for the paper The Transfer of Human Trust in Robot Capabilities across Tasks, Robotics Science and Systems (RSS) 2018.
To run the code, you will need:
- python3
- pytorch v0.3.0.post4 (Note: v0.4.0 appears to introduce some breaking changes)
- spacy (for the word vectors)
- numpy
- scipy
- sklearn
The testing machine used the Anaconda distribution. To run the experiments automatically using the
script, you will need unix screen
contains all the code used to run the experiments and analyze the
contains the data collected during our experiments and the word
contains supplementary information (e.g., experimental setup details) that didn't make it to the paper due to space constraints.
The easiest way is to run though the ModeComparison.ipynb
jupyter notebook. This will make use of the our saved results (in the code/results
If you want to re-run everything, you can run the
script file. This uses screen
to start a whole batch of parallel runs. This will take a while, so go have some coffee/sleep. Results will be saved to the code/results
directory. Saved models will be in code/savedmodels
. If you want to re-run specific experiments (with certain algorithm/dataset combinations), take a look at the individual commands in the
script and the
pythonfile. The
file is relatively easy to use.
./ [household|driving] [experiment type] [alg] [alg options] [latent task dimensionality]
As an example, to run the constant-mean GP with a latent task space of 3 dimensions (test on held out participants), run
./ household 3participant gp 0 3
The models are in
in separate classes. The neural model is called NeuralTrustNet
and the GP is called GPTrustTransfer
. The different GP variants are controlled via the switches. To use the prior mean function, set the usepriormean
parameter to True
. To use pseudo-observations, set usepriorpoints
to True
. You can actually use both, but this didn't seem to give strictly better results in our initial trials.