These command line tools are intended to help compile benchmarks for a bare-metal RISC-V system. The analysis tool looks at the binary to find the length of the different sections in the binary. These tools utilize the RISC-V GNU Toolchain and SiFive's elf2hex tool.
An example compilation command looks like:
./ --program=matrix_multiplication --iterations=10 --rows=3 --columns=3 --keep --multiplication
This will compile the matrix multiplication benchmark, ensuring that it does use RISC-V's m extension, with matricies that are 3x3, run the benchmark with 10 different randomly generated matricies, and it will keep the binary file.
An example analysis command looks like:
./ -p=max
This will look at the max benchmark and output simple data concerning the length of sections in its binary. For this program to work, you must compile with the keep option to ensure that the binary file exists.