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Weekly Meeting 2017 02 23

Kristen Carlson Accardi edited this page Mar 2, 2017 · 2 revisions


  • Weekly summary
  • Opens


#ciao-project: weekly meeting

Meeting started by kristenc at 17:03:33 UTC. The full logs are available at ciao-project/2017/ciao-project.2017-02-23-17.03.log.html .

Meeting summary

  • weekly summary (kristenc, 17:04:59)

  • opens (kristenc, 17:06:27)

Meeting ended at 17:09:48 UTC.

Action Items

Action Items, by person

    • (none)

People Present (lines said)

  • kristenc (14)
  • markusry (4)
  • ciaomtgbot (3)
  • albertom (2)
  • obedmr (2)
  • btwarden (1)
  • mrkz (1)
  • rbradford (1)
  • tcpepper1 (1)

Generated by MeetBot_ 0.1.4

.. _MeetBot:

###Full IRC Log

17:03:33 <kristenc> #startmeeting weekly meeting
17:03:33 <ciaomtgbot> Meeting started Thu Feb 23 17:03:33 2017 UTC.  The chair is kristenc. Information about MeetBot at
17:03:33 <ciaomtgbot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic.
17:03:33 <ciaomtgbot> The meeting name has been set to 'weekly_meeting'
17:03:44 <obedmr> o/
17:03:44 <kristenc> #topic role call
17:03:46 <btwarden> o/
17:03:49 <rbradford> o/
17:03:49 <obedmr> o/
17:03:50 <mrkz> o/
17:03:51 <kristenc> o/
17:03:52 <albertom> o/
17:03:52 <markusry> o/
17:03:56 <tcpepper1> o/
17:04:50 <kristenc> markusry, I'll have to look at the table to see why you needed to add those 2 fields.
17:04:59 <kristenc> #topic weekly summary
17:05:02 <markusry> kristenc:  Thanks
17:05:14 <markusry> For VnicUUID there's a comment in the code
17:05:27 <kristenc> We made a lot of cleanups this week. We removed a lot of dead code, and made a lot of improvements to the ansible scripts. We updated ciao-down to use go 1.8 and support clear containers, and we modified singlevm to use “demo” for the test user rather than the service user “csr”. Our unit tests are now running on travis with go 1.8.
17:05:39 <markusry> // do we ever need to save the vnic uuid?
17:06:01 <kristenc> we don't have a lot of glorius new features to report this week, but there's a lot in the queue.
17:06:24 <kristenc> that's it for the weekly summary.
17:06:27 <kristenc> #topic opens
17:06:52 <albertom> I
17:07:03 <kristenc> markusry, that looks familiar - think I previously could think of no reason to save it...
17:07:47 <kristenc> are there any opens?
17:08:51 <kristenc> I forgot to mention that we still have one P1 bug open (#1158) - but a PR is under review to address it and we should hopefully have this resolved in the next day or so.
17:09:35 <kristenc> ok - if there are no opens, this is going to be a short meeting and we can just get back to work.
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