AutoScene allows you to work on your scene setup in the editor while loading a specific scene when entering Play mode.
This project uses gitmoji for its commit messages.
AutoScene requires Unity 2018.4 or later version.
Once installed, AutoScene appears as a new entry in your Unity Preferences, as displayed below.
AutoScene presents only two parameters: Enable AutoScene and Scene to load on Play. For the later, three modes are available:
- Auto (the default since version 1.2.2): the first scene in the project's Build Settings will be used. If no such scene exists (no scene in the project's Build Settings), AutoScene will fall back to None.
- None (the default before version 1.2.2): no specific scene will be loaded and the normal behaviour of Unity when entering Play mode is maintained.
- Any further entry refers to a specific scene in the project. By selecting a scene, it will be loaded when entering Play mode.