An Erlang port interface to libpcap.
epcap includes a small example program called sniff.
0.05: The packet message format has changed and is now documented.
0.06: epcap doesn't register itself, so multiple instances can be run.
0.7.0: removed epcap_net.erl (moved to
cd epcap
make examples
# Allow your user to epcap with root privs
sudo visudo
youruser ALL = NOPASSWD: /path/to/epcap/priv/epcap
# And if requiretty is enabled, disable it by using one of these
Defaults!/path/to/epcap/priv/epcap !requiretty
Defaults:youruser !requiretty
erl -pa ebin deps/*/ebin # or: ./
% Start the sniffer process
% Use your interface, or leave it out and trust in pcap
sniff:start([{interface, "eth0"}]).
% To change the filter
sniff:start([{filter, "icmp or (tcp and port 80)"},{interface, "eth0"}]).
% To stop sniffing
epcap:start() -> {ok, pid()}
epcap:start(Args) -> {ok, pid()}
Types Args = [Options]
Options = {chroot, string()} | {group, string()} | {interface, string()} | {promiscuous, boolean()} |
{user, string()} | {filter, string()} | {progname, string()} | {file, string()} |
{monitor, boolean()} | {cpu_affinity, string()} | {cluster_id, non_neg_integer()}} |
{inject, boolean()} | {snaplen, non_neg_integer} | {buffer, non_neg_integer()}
Packets are delivered as messages:
{packet, DataLinkType, Time, Length, Packet}
The DataLinkType is an integer representing the link layer,
e.g., ethernet, Linux cooked socket.
The Time is a tuple in the same format as erlang:now/0:
{MegaSecs, Secs, MicroSecs}
The Length corresponds to the actual packet length on the
wire. The captured packet may have been truncated. To get the
captured packet length, use byte_size(Packet).
The Packet is a binary holding the captured data.
If the version of the pcap library supports it, the pcap buffer
size can be set to avoid dropped packets by using the 'buffer'
option. The buffer size must be larger than the snapshot
length (default: 65535) plus some overhead for the pcap data
structures. Using some multiple of the snapshot length is
epcap:send(Ref, Packet) -> ok
Types Ref = pid()
Packet = binary()
Inject a packet on the network interface. To enable sending
packets, start/1 must be called with the {inject, true} option
(default: {inject, false}). When disabled, any data sent
to the epcap port is silently discarded.
Packet injection failures are treated as fatal errors, terminating
the epcap port. Partial writes are not considered to be errors
and are ignored (an error message will be printed to stderr if
the verbose option is used).
In case you want to compile epcap with PF_RING support,
just specify the path to the libpfring and modified libpcap libraries
via shell variable PFRING.
PFRING=/home/user/pfring make
As a result epcap binary will be linked with the following flags: -static -lpfring -lpthread
To complete the configuration you need to set up the cluster_id option.
The value of the cluster_id option is integer and should be in range between 0 and 255.
epcap:start([{interface, "lo"}, {cluster_id, 2}]).
You can also specify the option cpu_affinity to set up CPU affinity for epcap port:
epcap:start([{interface, "lo"}, {cluster_id, 2}, {cpu_affinity, "1,3,5-7"}]).
=INFO REPORT==== 27-Oct-2013::11:47:43 ===
pcap: [{time,"2013-10-27 11:47:43"},
ether: [{source_macaddr,"F0:BD:4F:AA:BB:CC"},
ipv6: [{protocol,tcp},
tcp: [{source_port,80},
payload_size: 567
payload: "HTTP/1.0 301 Moved Permanently..Location: text/html; charset=UTF-8..Date: Sun, 27 Oct 2013 15:47:49 GMT..Expires: Tue, 26 Nov 2013 15:47:49 GMT..Cache-Control: public, max-age=2592000..Server: gws..Content-Length: 218..X-XSS-Protection: 1; mode=block..X-Frame-Options: SAMEORIGIN..Alternate-Protocol: 80:quic....<HTML><HEAD><meta http-equiv=\"content-type\" content=\"text/html;charset=utf-8\">.<TITLE>301 Moved</TITLE></HEAD><BODY>.<H1>301 Moved</H1>.The document has moved.<A HREF=\"\">here</A>...</BODY></HTML>.."
return error atoms/tuples instead of using errx
add support for retrieving packet statistics using pcap_stats(3PCAP)
Olivier Girondel:
- preliminary IPv6 support
Harald Welte:
- support reading packets from pcap file
- SCTP support
- datalink types
Gregory Haskins:
- application file fix
Alexey Larin
- support of devices without ipwq
Artem Teslenko
- allow listening on different interfaces