Find high binders and general analysis of glycans in CFG arrays
I have wanted to use CFG array data in machine learning but this has been an interesting challenge. Can all the RF data for all the glycans for a certain array version be used to classify the features of high binders and low binders for a particular disease/lectin ? I am not sure how to solve this problem but what I have learnt is how to infer which glycans are high binding for a particular array with a fair degree of confidence. This is based on the paper by Cholleti et al. (
- Make sure you have the correct dependencies installed (see dependencies section)
source activate pynotes
- browse to
(or your notebook server) - open notebooks/overview.ipynb
- when the output is getting out of hand, go to cell | all output | toggle scrolling.
- when making code changes to notebooks and commiting, please clear all outputs first.
- Download Anaconda python & Install
- Make a new environment with rdkit notebook etc
conda create -n pynotes jupyter PIL matplotlib pandas seaborn xlrd scikit-learn
- To activate this environment, use:
source activate pynotes
To deactivate this environment, use:source deactivate
source activate pynotes
conda install xlrd # only use pip if desperate
pip install beautifulsoup
pip install glypy
pip install mechanize
see pip_requirements.txt and conda_env.snapshot for a current view ofthe dependencies (environment needs a retest)
in conda_env.snapshot, any items designated <pip> were installed using pip inside the conda env
## Project Layout
- *data* - array data for galectin and sna
- *results* - where results of analyses will be written
- *notebooks* - notebooks for analysis
- *sample_data* - example pickled data set
- *scripts* - handy scripts that maybe should rather be managed with a submodule
## Bugs and problems
- Load on the RINGS server may cause some calls to be slow. Wait it out, run fewer analyses or ... create a local db of glycans for this array D:-)
- When running a batch MCAW analysis sometime output is not seen. Rerun the individual notebook.
## resources
# Forked from