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Style guide

Marcus Wieder edited this page Jul 16, 2024 · 7 revisions

General remarks

We try to use explicit and informative variable names that reflect intended use and/or what the variable contains. If the variable is a tensor we try to document the shape of the tensor in code and in function/method signatures. In the following style guide, we will use the term entity when we describe the physical or physically motivated object that a property is bound to. That can be an atom, atom pair, molecule, system or conformation.

Some general rules about shape:

  • if a tensor describes a per-entity property, the shape is (nr of entities, nr of features for property). E.g., per_atom_energy has shape (nr_of_atoms, 1).
  • If a tensor is used to index, we use flat tensors. E.g., the pairlist has the shape (2, nr_of_atom_pairs). The indexing array is used to index the entities, not the features.

We are using the following standards for variable names:

  • [per_entity]_[property] internally, i.e. per_atom_energy describes the atomic energies. Following the convention outlined above about the shape of the representation we can infer that the shape is (nr_of_atoms, 1)
  • the following variable names are used to define the shape of tensors: nr_of_atoms, nr_of_atom_pairs, nr_of_atom_features
  • the following properties are exceptions to the naming conventions: atomic_numbers, positions
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