키움증권 자동매매프로그램
- Trader
- tf_gpu.py : main file for Reinforcement learning
- agent.py : decide action to trade and validate
- policy_learner.py : define Reinforcement Models
- policy_network.py : define Neural Network Models
- visualizer.py : visualize chart data to graph
- Bridge Server For Win32
- kiwwom_bridge_flask.py : bridge server connecting between Trader to Kiwoom OpenApi+
- DataBase
- store and share database with sqlite3
Use Anaconda (Python distribution platform)
- Trader
- python 3.6
- trader is using tensorflow, numpy, pandas, scipy, talib
- pip install TA_Lib-0.4.19-cp36-cp36m-win_amd64.whl tensorflow-gpu==1.15.2 pandas scipy requests matplotlib mplfinance keras==2.2.4 h5py==2.10.0
- Bridge Server
- python 3.7 32bit
- koapy (https://koapy.readthedocs.io/en/latest/index.html)
- kiwoom OpenApi+ (https://www.kiwoom.com/h/customer/download/VOpenApiInfoView)
- Flask
- pip install python-dateutil flask mpld3 koapy telepot
- kiwoom OpenApi+ is available only in 32bit environment
- Seperate Kiwoom trader and Actor(Reinforcement learning Agent)
- Need Simple Api Server to connect between open api and deep learning
- Trader
- Trader is learning stocks data to predict when is time to buy,sell or hold.
- Trader decide action using A2C Reinforcement Models and LSTM Neural Network.
- Trader is getting reward under conditions which are 60% win/loss
- Stocks data contain OHLC Daily chart data, Kospi Daily char data, MACD histogram, RSI
- Bridge Server
- To get and update stocks data, use Python Flask for Api Server
- To use kiwoom OpenApi+, import koapy library
- The Bridge Server is log in kiwoom server and get stocks data from kiwoom with koapy
- Database
- Use sqlite3 to store data
- The Trader is getting chart/kospi data and learning from DataBase/DB/stocks.db
- The Bridge Server is storing chart/kospi data to DataBase/DB/stocks.db from kiwoom server
- Install Anaconda
- Make python3.7 32bit and python3.6 in venv (using conda create)
- Install each python packages with requirements
- Install CUDA Toolkit (https://developer.nvidia.com/cuda-toolkit-archive) for GPU
To learning
- activate py36
- python Analysis\tf_gpu.py --stock_code {$} --rl_method {$} --net {$} --num_steps {$} --output_name {$} --learning --num_epoches {$} --lr {$} --start_epsilon {$} --discount_factor {$} --ver {$} --delayed_reward_threshold {$} --start_date {$} --end_date {$} --value_network_name {$} --policy_network_name {$}
To Trading
activate py37_32
python Bridge\kiwoom_bridge_flask.py
activate py36
python Analysis\tf_gpu.py --stock_code {$} --reuse_models --rl_method {$} --net {$} --ver {$}