Book Corner is a full stack MERN application, an online bookstore where users can view books, sign up, and sign in to add/remove books to their wishlist, and add/remove books to their cart. It also includes a protected admin dashboard where admins can view books, and add, edit and remove a book, and view orders (UI) and customers (UI).
- User Registration: Sign up page.
- User Authentication: Allow existing users to log in using their credentials.
- User Profile: Users can view profile information, such as name and email.
- Wishlist page: User can add and delete products from wishlist.
- Book Listing: Displays a list of books available in the bookstore on the shop page.
- Search: Users can filter books searching by title or author.
- Filter: Users can filter books by genre.
- Sort: Users can alphabetically sort books by title or author .
- Book Details: Users can view detailed information about each book, such as title, author, price, description, and image.
- Shopping Cart: Allows users to add books to their shopping cart. Users can change book quantity, and remove a book from the cart.
- Checkout Process: Allow users to proceed to checkout.
- Order History: Users can view their past orders and order details.
- Book Management: Admins can add, edit, and delete books in the inventory. Manage book details such as title, author, description, price, and image.
- Order Management: Admins can view orders (currently UI).
- Customer Management: Admins can view customers (currently UI).
- Mongodb
- Express
- Nodejs
- React.js
- TypeScript
- Tailwind
- Preline: Preline UI is an open-source set of prebuilt UI components based on the utility-first Tailwind CSS framework.
- React Router: React Router is used for routing and navigation.
- Apex Charts: ApexCharts.js is a library for creating interactive and customizable charts in JavaScript.
- React Toastify: React Toastify is used for toasts.
- Axios
- Figma
Below is an example of how you can install and setup the application on your device.
To set up and run the Book Corner App locally, follow these steps:
- Clone this repository to your local machine:
[git clone]
- Change the directory to the project folder:
cd v49-tier3-team-25
- Install the project dependencies:
npm install
- Start the development server:
npm run dev
- Open your web browser and visit
to access Book Corner.
If you encounter any issues or have suggestions for improvements, please don't hesitate to create a GitHub issue or reach out to us.
Book info and covers from Open Library:
Figma Community Files: