#Mapping Chicago’s Transportation Network Efficiency Objectives:
• Map multi-modal usage density of Chicago’s streets (bus, cars, small-vehicle (scooter/motorcycle)).
o A usable, interactive data map that can (or be reformatted to) answer such questions as:
-What streets are used the most?
-Where can the city remove the traditional grid system in favor of a more organic approach
-Are there benefits to upgrading/changing transport networks?
-What are the industrial roads? Can they be consolidated?
• Identify outlier streets
o Most used
-Implications: Requires pre-emptive maintenance… More?
o Least used
-Implications: Opportunity to recycle for more pedestrian/public purposes
o Most costly
-Implications: ?
o Opportunities for socializing transit costs
-Transit network upgrades if City can afford it
• Scenario analysis(?)
o Is there a market for bike trail here?
o Would anybody notice if N Seeley Ave was turned into a Green Alley?
o Why the Green Alley along east of S Prairie Ave should have some commercial zones.
o Why BRT downtown is a band-aid, what's more permanent and more pedestrian friendly?
Other city trends in transit