copied and renewed maximum likelihood estimation package from python-mle
- v0.0.1 — 2022.10.24
- 安装
pip install sengbao_mle
- 使用
- 导入框架
import sengbao_mle as m
- 使用实例1——原库示例(翻新后)
import numpy as np import sengbao_mle as m # Define model x = m.var('x', observed=True, vector=True) y = m.var('y', observed=True, vector=True) a = m.var('a') b = m.var('b') sigma = m.var('sigma') model = m.Normal(y, a * x + b, sigma) # Generate data xs = np.linspace(0, 2, 20) ys = 0.5 * xs + 0.3 + np.random.normal(0, 0.1, 20) # Fit model to data result ={'x': xs, 'y': ys}, {'a': 1, 'b': 1, 'sigma': 1}) print(result)
- 使用实例2——自定义分布
import numpy as np import sengbao_mle as m import theano.tensor as T # 以Subbotin分布为例 class Subbotin(m.Model): def __init__(self,x,af,*args,**kwargs): # 自定义的分布类型,均需继承自m.Model super(Subbotin, self).__init__(*args,**kwargs) # 运算都需要采用theano.tensor中的运算函数 mm=T.mean(x) xg=T.mean(T.abs_(x-mm)**af)**(1/af) # 写入该分布的对数概率密度函数 self._logp=m.distributions.bound(T.log( T.exp(-((T.abs_((x-mm)/xg))**af)/af)/(2*xg*(af**(1/af))*T.gamma(1+1/af)) )) # 添加样本点 self._add_expr('x',x) # 添加要拟合的参数 self._add_expr('af',af) # 样本点 x = m.var('x', observed=True, vector=True) # 目标参数 af=m.var('af') model=Subbotin(x,af) xs=np.random.normal(-3,3,(1000,)) # 给目标参数设置初始值 result ={'x': xs}, {'af': 1}) print(result)
- 使用实例3——遍历初始值
# 由于目标参数的初始值的设定,对能否拟合成功有着较大影响,因此在拟合失败时,可以考虑便利初始值,以寻找能拟合成功的初始参数 import numpy as np import sengbao_mle as m import theano.tensor as T # 以Subbotin分布为例 class Subbotin(m.Model): def __init__(self,x,af,*args,**kwargs): # 自定义的分布类型,均需继承自m.Model super(Subbotin, self).__init__(*args,**kwargs) # 运算都需要采用theano.tensor中的运算函数 mm=T.mean(x) xg=T.mean(T.abs_(x-mm)**af)**(1/af) # 写入该分布的对数概率密度函数 self._logp=m.distributions.bound(T.log( T.exp(-((T.abs_((x-mm)/xg))**af)/af)/(2*xg*(af**(1/af))*T.gamma(1+1/af)) )) # 添加样本点 self._add_expr('x',x) # 添加要拟合的参数 self._add_expr('af',af) # 样本点 x = m.var('x', observed=True, vector=True) # 目标参数 af=m.var('af') model=Subbotin(x,af) xs=np.random.normal(-3,3,(1000,)) # 遍历能拟合成功的初始参数值 rs=[] for af in range(-100,100): result ={'x': xs}, {'af': af}) if result.success is True: rs.append({af:result}) af=np.mean([i.values().x['af'] for i in rs]) print(af)
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