This is the repository for sqerl, a database layer originally written for chef for interfacing with postgres.
So, you want to model a Postgres database table with Sqerl. Let's get to it.
since that's what I knew when I started writing this. You can safely skip this section if you know how to get that running.
You can get Postgres up and running on a Mac as easy as downloading You should probably learn more that the basics if you're going to run it anywhere more complex than that. starts Postgres on port 5432 of localhost. It'll also
create a user and database for your OS X user's shortname. We'll use
for the examples below.
We should at least create a table so you have something to interact with in the following examples.
description TEXT
To add sqerl to your project (hereon known as sample_app
), add it to
your deps proplist in rebar.config
{sqerl, ".*",
{git, "git://", {branch, "master"}}}
It's going to pull in these dependencies, just go with it:
Cloning into 'epgsql'...
Cloning into 'pooler'...
Cloning into 'envy'...
You actually need two sys.config
application blocks. If only there
were an application out there for abstracing configuration settings in
to logical groupings, instead of imposing erlang's application
behavior as a unit of scope.
{sqerl, [
%% Database connection parameters
{db_host, "localhost" },
{db_port, 5432 },
{db_user, "tyktorp" },
{db_pass, "" },
{db_name, "tyktorp" },
{idle_check, 10000},
{column_transforms, []},
{sqerl_rec, statements, [[{app, sample_app}]]}}
{pooler, [
{pools, [[{name, sqerl},
{max_count, 10 },
{init_count, 5 },
{start_mfa, {sqerl_client, start_link, []}}]]}
-compile({parse_transform, sqerl_gobot}).
%% Must be the same as the module name
-record(thing, {
id :: integer(),
description :: binary()
'#insert_fields'() ->
'#update_fields'() ->
'#statements'() ->
%% Only needed if table name is different than module name
%'#table_name'() ->
% "things".
NOTE: module name and record name MUST be the same.
Hopefully the sqerl_gobot
parse transform doesn't do too much magic
for you behind the scenes. Just the right amount of magic. They're not
tricks, they're illusions. Here's what it gives you:
- Basically defines the required callbacks.
Some callbacks are generated by the parse transform, some you have to
do yourself. Either way, the ones that start with #
are meant to be
called internally by sqerl_rec
. The ones that don't are there for
developer use. I suppose you can use them if you want. It's more of a
- returns a new record of this type
- is Obj
an "object" of this type
getval(Fieldname, Obj)
- returns Fieldname
of Object
setvals([{Fieldname, Value}|...]=Proplist, Obj)
- returns a copy of
with each Fieldname
's Value
' from PropList
fromlist([{Fieldname, Value}|...]=Proplist)
- works just like
, but it's for new instances only.
- returns a list of fields you provided in the -record
your module.
Write Yourself:
'#insert_fields'() -> [atom()]
- the list of record fields to be
inserted with generated insert statement.
'#update_fields'() -> [atom()]
- the list of record fields to be
updated with generated update statement.
'#statements'() -> [ default | {atom(), iolist()}]
- a list of named
statements. This is where your specific database code goes.
'#table_name'() -> atom
. If your table name isn't the name of your
module, set it here.
I skipped some steps here for now, but I'm assuming you can open up an erlang console with this application started.
%%% Make sure it's all configured right.
(sample_app@> sqerl_rec:statements([thing]).
[{thing_delete_by_id,<<"DELETE FROM things WHERE id = $1">>},
{thing_fetch_by_id,<<"SELECT id, description FROM things WHERE id = $1">>},
{thing_insert,<<"INSERT INTO things(description) VALUES ($1) RETURNING id, description">>},
{thing_update,<<"UPDATE things SET description = $1 WHERE id = $2 RETURNING id, description">>}]
%% Add a thing?
(sample_app@> R = {thing, undefined, "Hi!"}.
(sample_app@> sqerl_rec:insert(R).
(sample_app@> sqerl_rec:fetch(thing, id, 1).
And look in the database!
tyktorp=# SELECT * FROM things;
id | description
1 | Hi!
(1 row)
Let's get everything!
(sample_app@> sqerl_rec:fetch_all(thing).
%% OOPS!
You have to specify a fetch_all
query for thing
, fortunately
there's a convenience method for that. Change thing:#statements/0
'#statements'() ->
{fetch_all, sqerl_rec:gen_fetch_all(thing, id)}
(sample_app@> sqerl_rec:fetch_all(thing).
You can make lots of custom statements as your usecase requires. Ours is pretty trivial though, I probably should have added more columns.
local postgres commands must be on $PATH
to successfully make all
A set of integration and performance tests can be run via make ct
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Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.