cf push -p target/demo-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar -b doge
Interesting introduction to deploying Spring Boot applications using Spring Cloud
The maven build for this project integrates with Docker using the Spotify Maven plugin. You need to have Docker installed and configured. See Installing Docker.
In order to build a docker image:
mvn package
You can customize the Docker Hub user for your image (by default it will create chanezon/spring-doge) in spring-doge/pom.xml.
Then to run the app:
docker-compose -f spring-doge/target/docker-compose.yml up
You can use STS or a locally installation of maven to build spring-doge. However, if you need to build that on a new machine where you don't have all your development environment setup, you can build it with the maven Docker container.
docker run -v ~/.m2:/root/.m2 -v "$PWD":/usr/src -w /usr/src maven:3-jdk-8 mvn install
This will create the spring-doge jar file in target. Then, you can build a container for the app and run the app and a Mongodb database in containers with the following commands:
docker build -t foo/spring-doge .
docker-compose up
Change chanezon to your docker hub username (change it also in the docker-compose.yml file) if you want to push a modification to this image to your repository in Docker hub.