This is an Android mobile game developed using Unity as a resumption of the Blobs project in 3d. Some features in the previous game was enhanced as well. All the 3d assets used and animations were created using Blender.
Like in the previous version, game will start with 6 droids in each team. One droid in the selected team will be controlled by the player. Other droids will roam around using NavMesh. Drois will attack each other and the team which eleminate enemies first will achieve victory. Player can swith the control among droids whenever he want. If the player controlled droid get killed controll will be switched automatically. Healthbars and status bar indicate the stats at any given time. Aditionally player can inflict a blast and use a guard sphere with relevent buttons. Those powers will be used by other droids as well, optimally considering their health status Those powerups are time based and they need a long cool down time.
- Universal Render Pipeline
- Unity Particle system for explosions