Automated Web Reports for Surfer Gems Programs
You can automatically generate a web report summary of your FreeSurfer dataset and host it on your own domain using GitHub Pages to share your results with your team and the world (if you so choose!)
Click the fork button at the top right of this webpage, then open a terminal on your computer and clone your fork into a folder of your own naming choice by typing:
git clone ${HOME}/My-Surfer-webgems.git
What does this mean? A fork just creates a copy of this template on your own GitHub account so you can upload and host data to it!
Click the Settings tab in the top right of your fork's github page. Navigate to the GitHub Pages section and enable the Source from the master branch.
On your terminal, type
git clone ${HOME}/Surfer-gems
You can find customizable options in the ~/Surfer-gems/config
folder. You can change the page title, description, header or which tiles and their background pics to generate for each subject.
Next run the web-report command. Make sure to specify the path to the fork you cloned in step 1. Here we named it 'My-Surfer-webgems' and cloned it to the home directory.. i.e)
~/Surfer-gems/surfer-gems --web-report -wrd ${HOME}/My-Surfer-webgems
A preview of the report's home page will automtically open in your default browser when the program is done running (might take a while)
Once everything checks out OK, you can publish your results by typing)
~/Surfer-gems/surfer-gems --publish
Navigate to to see the published web version