Open source ISO 15118 communication implementation for Linux made for my Master Thesis at DTU Risø. Please note that it requires uses TLS/PolarSSL, OpenV2GStack and libmultitask. The stack is compatible with the amd64 and armv7 architectures.
Getting started:
- Download mbed TLS from or their git repository
- mbed TLS must be configured to use thread locks. This is done by uncommenting #define POLARSSL_THREADING_C and POLARSSL_THREADING_PTHREAD in include/polarssl/config.h.
- make && make check && sudo make install the mbed TLS libary
- make && sudo make install the OpenV2G library in utils/OpenV2g_x.x.x
- make && sudo make install the libmultitask library in utils/libmultitask/unix
- make && sudo make install the nikola v2g stack
Things to note:
- I have made a custom makefile for OpenV2G. It can be located in utils/OpenV2G/Makefile
- The SLAC client implementation is programmed to work with the Qualcomm QCA7000 chip.
- The SLAC server is programmed to work with the Insys Powerline GP with SLAC device.
- The application layer messaging in the example folder only covers a reference AC implementation.
Bugs are still likely to be present. Please do not hesitate to create issues. Also you may have to download a stdatomic.h from LLVM if it's not in your current installation.
Working test bench setup:
Beaglebone <-Ethernet-> Insys Powerline GP with SLAC <-Power Line-> Insys Powerline without SLAC (QCA7000 based) <-Ethernet-> Beaglebone
A lot of credit to Joakim Sindholt for making his brilliant C multithreading library libmultitask, see Also thanks to Siemens and Insys for making OpenV2g, see