Lightweight, smooth scrolling JavaScript plugin with no external dependences.
<!-- The fastest way to get started -->
<!-- Note that CDN version has been transpiled with Babel -->
<script src="">
Download the latest scroller-cdn.min.js and then place it in your project's folder.
<!-- Include via script tag in your html code -->
<!-- Note that CDN version has been transpiled with Babel -->
<script src="your-path-to/scroller-cdn.min.js"></script>
Import scroller-es6.min.js as an ES module like the following:
// Import it with webpack
import Scroller from "./your-path-to/scroller.min.js";
Declare buttons that cause scrolling in your html code by adding them default class "scroll-to" and default "data-scroll" attribute:
<!-- Add class "scroll-to" to your scrolling buttons -->
<button type="button" class="scroll-to" data-scroll="target-section-id">
Scroll me to #target-section-id element
<!-- Don't forget to add "data-scroll" attribute with target element id-->
<button type="button" class="scroll-to" data-scroll="specific-element-id">
Scroll me to #specific-element-id
<!-- Both selector and data attribute might be redefined in your js settings -->
Links and buttons dafault behavior:
<!-- By default, scroller.js prevents default behavior of links and submit buttons -->
<!-- So these would only cause scrolling -->
<button type="submit" class="scroll-to" data-scroll="target-section-id">
Submit button
<a href="#" class="scroll-to" data-scroll="specific-element-id">
Scroll me to #specific-element-id
<!-- If default behavior is needed, you can change it in your js settings -->
Scroller also has button Up feature:
<!-- This one scrolls you to the top of the page -->
<button type="button" class="button-up">
Bring me to the top
Initialize scroller in your javascript code the way you prefer:
// Don't forget to initialize it in your js
// using a variable:
const myLinks = new Scroller({
// with or without your custom settings
// or simply just:
new Scroller();
Add your custom settings if needed:
const myLinks = new Scroller({
// Your custom settings go here
const myLinks = new Scroller({
// Elements that fire scrolling
// Type String
btnSelector: ".scroll-to",
// Attribute that contains target element id
// Type String
btnAttr: "data-scroll",
// Prevent default behavior of links and buttons?
// Type Boolean
btnPreventDefault: true,
const myLinks = new Scroller({
// Static top offset (px)
// Type Number. Negative value is also appropriate. By default it's 0px.
// This will scroll you to 100px before target element
offsetTop: 100,
// Calculate top offset based on navigation height?
// Type Boolean. By default it's false.
navAutoOffset: true,
// Navigation selector
// Type String. By default it's "nav" tag.
navSelector: ".navigation",
Notice that if offsetTop and navAutoOffset are both enable total offset summarizes their values. Total offset formula: (offsetTop + nav Height) px.
const myLinks = new Scroller({
// Static top offset = 100px
offsetTop: 100,
// Nav offset is enable and nav height, for example, 80px
navAutoOffset: true,
// total offset would be 100px + 80px = 180px
// Works fine with negative valueSet
offsetTop: -50,
// For example, nav height is 80px
navAutoOffset: true,
// total offset would be -50px + 80px = 30px
<a href="services.html#title-section">
Go to page "services.html" and then scroll to element with id "title-section"
const myLinks = new Scroller({
// Selector of links that scroll to the specific id
// Works fine for any page - current or external
// If current page contains an element with stated id, it scrolls to that element
// If not, goes to the stated page and then scrolls to the element with stated id
// Type String
linkSelector: "a"
Button to top has only one setting - it's selector:
const myLinks = new Scroller({
// Selector of buttons that scroll to the top of the page
// Type String
const myLinks = new Scroller({
// These are default settings
btnSelector: ".scroll-to",
btnAttr: "data-scroll",
btnPreventDefault: true,
offsetTop: 0,
navAutoOffset: false,
navSelector: "nav",
linkSelector: "a",
log: false,
logLang: "en"