released this
06 Jul 21:43
[BREAKING CHANGE] Require Rails 3.2 or Rails master (4.0) - depends on activesupport/activemodel [bensie]
[BREAKING CHANGE] Remove :S3 storage option in favor of Fog [bensie]
[BREAKING CHANGE] Remove :CloudFiles storage option in favor of Fog [bensie]
[changed] JSON / XML serialization hashes are consistent and work as expected with ActiveRecord's serializable_hash [bensie]
[added] fog_host now accepts a proc (useful for dynamic asset servers) [jtrim]
[added] Add ability to process a version from an existing version so you aren't always crunching the original, large file [ferblape]
[added] Allow brackets in remote URLs [ngauthier]
[added] CarrierWave::Storage::Fog::File#exists? to check the existence of the file without needing to fetch it [bensie]
[added] Gravity option on resize_to_fill (minimagick) [TheOddLinguist]
[added] Add query options for s3 to support response headers overwriting [meceo]
[added] Make storages File#url methods to work without any params [meceo]
[added] Set the CarrierWave.root correctly if Padrino is defined [futurechimp]
[added] Cache fog connections for improved performance [labocho]
[fixed] Fix slow fetching of content-length on remote file [geemus]
[fixed] Fog remote specs now passing and depend on Fog >= 1.3.1 [geemus]
[fixed] Fix an issue where multi-page PDFs can't be converted with RMagick [chanind]
[fixed] MiniMagick expects string args to mogrify commands [bensie]
[fixed] With Active Record ORM, setting remote_url marks mounted column as dirty [trevorturk]
[fixed] Fix possible race condition with CarrierWave.root [bensie]
[fixed] ActiveSupport::Memoizable deprecation warning [slbug]
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