Overview This project was created for storing the assets as part of the candidate homework.
The intent of this project was to provide a customer with a jupyter notebook lab to cover the basics of working with a target feature flag.
Lab Description In completing the below exercise the following will be accomplished:
1.) Create a targeted feature flag with 3 variations. The flag will be used to determine entitlements of: Enterprise, core or unknown.
2.) Create a user context
3.) Validate that the default variations produces the desired result when the feature flag is OFF
4.) Validate that the variations produces the desired result when the feature flag is ON
5.) Validate that the variations produces the desired result when the feature flag is ON
1.) Install juypter notebooks: https://jupyter.org/install
2.) download launchdarkly-lab and images folder. The images folder must be a subfolder in the folder you are running the notebook from.
3.) The notebook walks the user through the lab specifics.