A system handling information about Arkad and, like Google Search, gives a prioritised response when queried.
Setting upp development environment locally:
cd arkad-search
npm install
Install HomeBrew (for mac)
/usr/bin/ruby -e "$(curl -fsSL https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Homebrew/install/master/install)"
Install postgreSQL
brew install postgresql
Then, issue the following commands:
createdb arkad-search
createuser <username>
psql arkad-search < create_table.sql
export PSQL_USER="<desired_database_username>"
export PSQL_PW=""
For the next instruction you need to calculate a bcrypted password with 4 rounds.
Next, issue the following commands.
psql arkad-search
insert into users values(true, '<arkad_search_username>', '<4-round-bcrypted-password>');