# Start server
docker compose up -d --build
# Stop server
docker compose down
Building the docker image:
# Note: this image should be in a registry that is accesible to k8s cluster
docker build --tag ghcr.io/cam-digital-hospitals/inv-mgmt:latest .
# This pushes the image to the ghcr.io container registry
# Note: it is assumed that you have logged into the ghcr.io registry with:
# echo $PAT | docker login ghcr.io --username $GITHUB_USERNAME --password-stdin
docker push ghcr.io/cam-digital-hospitals/inv-mgmt:latest
Install & uninstall:
# Apply k8s/deployment.yaml, k8s/service.yaml, k8s/ingress.yaml
# in the 'default' namespace
kubectl -n default apply -f k8s
# Clean up
kubectl -n default delete -f k8s
Useful commands:
# Deployment: inv-mgmt (container#1: inv-mgmt:8000)
# Service: inv-mgmt-svc:80
# Ingress: inv-mgmt-ingress http://localhost
# Check logs
kubectl -n default logs svc/inv-mgmt-svc -f
# Access to the container shell
kubectl -n default exec -it svc/inv-mgmt-svc -- bash
Navigate to localhost:8000
in a web browser.
New items can be set up in the Stock Management
If you need to use the django admin page - for example to edit the unit cost or supplier link of an existing item,
It can be accessed at localhost:8000/admin
or is linked from the Stock Management
Log in with:
- username:
- password: