For those of you who like to learn and are starting the react path, some mini projects have been developed for studies ranging from the beginner to the intermediate / advanced. You find some projects doing ToDO List using React without Redux, another ToDo List using Redux and etc. Follow the step by step below and be happy.
Note: For the project works it needs to use an api node is available in this link
- React support via support react
- Redux for state management among others, support via redux
- React Router via support react-router
- Axios support via support axios
If you are here by the basic structure of the project, just carry out the following steps
# clone it
git clone
cd react-api
# Make it your own
rm -rf .git && git init && npm init
# Install dependencies
npm install
# Start project development
npm run dev
# If you want to start production
npm run build
If you are intent on figuring out how to build a ToDo List without using Redux follow these steps.
# clone it
git clone
cd react-api
# Make it your own
rm -rf .git && git init && npm init
# Install dependencies
npm install
# Change to branch ToDo
git checkout ToDo
# Start project development
npm run dev