This script uses the library PyMassSpec to extract and align peaks from multiple GC-MS files in CDF format. Multiprocessing capabilities are added for faster peak extraction.
PyMassSpec ( is forked from the original PyMS Repository: Originally by Andrew Isaac, Sean O'Callaghan and Vladimir Likić. The original publication can be found here:
Update microsoft C++ build tools
Install Anaconda for Python3
Install spyder in a virtual environment
-go to Anaconda navigator an create a new environment (don't use root environment), installing spyder
Activate virtual environment (in Anaconda console)
activate venv_name
Install PyMassSpec (in Anaconda console)
python -m pip install PyMassSpec
For Updating
python -m pip install PyMassSpec -U
Install package 'tqdm' in conda terminal
pip install tqdm
Launch spyder inside the virtual environment in navigator (or from windows menu if available)
#USING PyMassSpec
Open script 'GCPyMassSpec' Save as script 'GCPyMassSpec multiprocess(name your experiment).py'
Modify 'data_directory' (where your CDF files are located) Place file names in 'expr_codes' object (without '.CDF' extension)
Change parameters to desired values
To detect and align peaks Run script with 'detect_peaks(expr_codes)' and 'align(expr_codes)'
To only align peaks from several already extracted samples Run script with 'detect_peaks(expr_codes)' off (# to comment), and activate 'align(expr_codes)'
If there are too few peaks detected, reduce noise multiplier or minimum ions (parameters 'noise_mult' and n'). Increase those parameters if there are many unrelevant, small peaks. Changing ion percentage('r') has a similar effect, but 5% is normally OK.
If alignment is not great change Dw and Gw, higher Dw favors aligning peaks that are further away, higher Gw favors peak mixing of peaks (it is the penalty for gaps in the alignment list).
The script delivers four output files in .csv format.
"..._aligned_areas.csv" -Contains the TIC areas of each aligned peak for each chromatogram with the average retention time per peak.
"..._aligned rt.csv" -Contains the retention times for each chromatogram.
"..._aligned_ions.csv" -Contains the main ions used for separating each peak.
"..._area_common_ion.csv" -Contains the area of one ion used for quantficiation (this ion is not necessarily the dominant ion).