This game was developed for 2D environments, by the process, I could learn a lot about 2D topics, such as Tile Maps, Sorting Layers, Animations, User Interface, Cinemachine Cameras, among other things. I also improved my overall skill in scripting, by getting deeper in things like Event Handlers, State Machines and other techniques. This project took a lot of self-discipline to finish but it was worth it and satisfying to get more experience as a game developer! 😄
This game was inspired by "Zelda" one of my all-time favourite games. Since this is an adventure game, I decided that would have a simple environment where the player could explore and interact with things before the fighting part starts.
The player can move by pressing the W
, S
, A
, D
I wanted that the player could attack with a bowl and arrows, as so, have some special attack, like shooting multiples arrows at a time. This is achievable if the player clicks RIGHT-CLICK MOUSE
but be careful there is a 5s cooldown for using it.
Finally, when the player starts the Boss Mode, multiples enemies are spawned which the goal is to kill the most of it and try to break the previous record. There is an increment of difficulty in each wave.
Character movement.DONE
Ability to shoot arrows and use special power.DONE
Character animations for idling, running, and shooting.DONE
Tile Map Configuration.DONE
Implemented UI's.DONE
Save score system.DONE
Enemies spawning system with different waves representing different difficulties.DONE
Enemies simple AI for shooting and to follow the player.DONE
Enemies animations for idling, running, and shooting.DONE
Audio Manager for playing sounds.DONE
Health system for the player and the enemies.DONE
Damage Popup UI that shows damage taken or given.DONE
Death System for the player and the enemies.DONE
Post-Processing Effects Added.
- Pixel Art assets pack:
- For last but not least if you use my code please credit me! 😁
@brunomedeiros |