Play hangman on the Ethereum network. (Available currently on Ropsten network)
Hangman is a game where a player has limited attempts to guess a secret word. The player is allowed to guess a letter contained in the secret or guess the entire secret. Each incorrect guess uses an attempt. When all attempts have been made or if the word has been guessed correctly the game ends.
This project is centered around these two contracts: HangmanFactory.sol
and Hangman.sol
HangmanFactory is a Chainlink Client that will fetch a random word from the Wikipedia API. After the word is fetched, the factory will deploy an instance of Hangman with the random word and return the contract address to the UI. A new game display appears with guessword and letter inputs. A game over screen appears when the word has been guessed or there are no more avaliable attempts.
npm install truffle -g
git clone
cd Hangman
yarn web:install
yarn truffle:compile
yarn truffle:migrate
yarn web:start
- chainlink
- truffle
- ganache-cli
- gnosis mock-contract
- ganache-time-traveler
- react
- ethers.js
- ipfs
+ HangmanFactory (ChainlinkClient, Ownable)
- [Pub] <Constructor> #
- [Pub] requestCreateGame #
- [Pub] fullfillCreateGame #
- [Prv] bytes32ToBytes
- [Pub] withdrawLink #
- [Pub] setUrl #
- [Pub] cancelRequest #
+ Hangman (Ownable)
- [Ext] setSolution #
- [Ext] getUsedCharacters
- [Ext] makeCharGuess #
- [Prv] computeGuess
- [Ext] makeWordGuess #
- [Ext] getNumberOfCharacters
- [Ext] getCorrectlyGuessedCharacters
- [Prv] hasBitAtIndex
($) = payable function
# = non-constant function
yarn test
Make sure you have .env
file set up
Then run:
yarn test-integration --network ropsten
If there is a failure check
const chainlinkTokenAddress = "0x20fE562d797A42Dcb3399062AE9546cd06f63280";
const chainlinkOracleAddress = "0xc99B3D447826532722E41bc36e644ba3479E4365";
const CHAINLINK_HTTP_GET_JSON_PARSE_JOB_ID = "76ca51361e4e444f8a9b18ae350a5725";
const PAYMENT = 1;
register ethereum name on ENS
Run the following:
ipfs daemon
cd web
yarn build
ipfs add -r build/
added QmaHNhLf89FacunsrZDpHBSvZ8khsm5seCBNJBy8tqHEKr build
2.87 MiB / 2.87 MiB
[====================] 100.00%
Take last hash displayed and add it to content on ens public resolver
Followed directions here
Upload may take some time to propagate and be available.