As I create more software for clients, I am continuing to think that it is a good idea to create more open-source libraries to use in my projects. This means that I can fix bugs within the libraries as they come up, and others can as well. This is another one of these libraries.
This class serves as a simple wrapper for interaction with a .NET project and a SQLite database by providing easy methods with self-contained error catching that allows the user to easily implement database creation, editing, and reading.
Although this is a library and should be able to be universally implemented, I decided to make this library use MessageBoxes to interact with the end-user. Although this may not be the best idea, I will leave any changes to this system until they are needed by anyone.
This library uses the System.Data.SQLite library to communicate with SQLite databases.
I have found that the main benefit of using this library is not having to worry about opening the connection or creating the database file, as this is handled within the library. If this is something you must absolutely do, this library will probably be of 0 use to you.
- Make a to-do list.
Please Note: This Documentation Is Subject to Change as the library evolves
Creating a DatabaseManager object
// Specifying the "true" variable allows us to create a database for
// first use. Does not need to be "true" when database is already created.
DatabaseManager db = new DatabaseManager(true);
Creating A New Table
db.AddTable("names", "names (name VARCHAR(20))");
Verifying Tables
By calling the AddTable
method, you create a table structure that can be
verified by using the included verification method
if (db.TablesAreVerified())
Console.WriteLine("All Tables Exist in the DB!");
else {
Console.WriteLine("Tables Missing from the DB - Restored.");
Inserting Records Into the Database
db.InsertIntoTable("names", "name", "'Brandon'");
Note that this function returns the ID of the inserted record
Selecting a Record from the Table
SQLiteDataReader results = db.SelectFromTable("*", "names", "WHERE name='Brandon'");
Closing The Connection
Manage Backups
// To Create a backup with a standard timestamp name
// To restore the latest backup
string currentDir = System.IO.Directory.GetCurrentDirectory();