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Other Examples

brainsynder edited this page Feb 10, 2019 · 1 revision

How to use the "/pet modify" command

Usage: /pet modify <user> <nbt>
Example 1: /pet modify Steve {"baby":true}

If you have more Data Tags to add simply separate them with a comma and repeat

Example 2: /pet modify Steve {"baby":true,"name":"This is a new Pet name"}


When adding DataTags DO NOT add spaces, Unless the DataTag requires a string value. In which case you should surround the value with quotes.

How to make commands run when a pet spawns

With the addition of the "On-Summon" value in the pet files. This now allows you to run commands when a pet is summoned, it can be relatively any command that can be run via Console Text Replacements Available:

  • {player} --> Players name
  • {location} --> 'x y z' Coordinates of the pet
  • {type} --> Pet Type

Before Example (DEFAULT):

    On-Summon: []

After Example:

    - 'pet modify {player} {"baby":true}'
    - 'particle flame {location} 1.0 1.0 1.0 0.0 20'

When a cow is spawned, it will have flame particles spawned around it... as well as be a baby


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