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Force UI is an efficient UI component library that will streamline the development process and deliver a superior user experience across all BSF products. Force UI uses Tailwind CSS in the background. Any product using the Force UI library can override the predefined Force UI settings.
Force UI library can be installed using npm package manager. Since this library is still in it’s alpha phase, we need to use the staging branch.
Using Force UI as a dependency in package.json -
"@bsf/force-ui": "git+ssh://git@github.com/brainstormforce/force-ui.git#1.1.0",
Or run the below command to install:
npm install @bsf/force-ui@git+https://github.com/brainstormforce/force-ui.git#1.1.0
Defining the Tailwind CSS file for the host plugin. The example below is from the SureRank plugin. In the Force-UI library, we use classNames for components defined in Tailwind CSS configuration, such as color, box-shadow, spacing, font-size, and z-index. When using withTW
to wrap the host plugin Tailwind CSS configuration, it extends the component library’s configuration with user-defined settings.
is used to extend and easily override configuration. In the example, we override some colors of the Force-UI library using the color name and a new color value.
const withTW = require( '@bsf/force-ui/withTW' );
module.exports = withTW( {
content: [ './src/**/*.{js, jsx}' ],
theme: {
extend: {
colors: {
// Override @bsf/force-ui library colors.
'button-primary': '#6B21A8',
'button-primary-hover': '#7E22CE',
'brand-800': '#6B21A8',
'brand-50': '#FAF5FF',
'border-interactive': '#6B21A8',
focus: '#9333EA',
'focus-border': '#D8B4FE',
'toggle-on': '#6B21A8',
'toggle-on-border': '#C084FC',
'toggle-on-hover': '#A855F7',
fontSize: {
xxs: '0.6875rem', // 11px
lineHeight: {
2.6: '0.6875rem', // 11px
boxShadow: {
'0px 1px 1px 0px #0000000F, 0px 1px 2px 0px #0000001A',
plugins: [],
corePlugins: {
preflight: false,
important: '.surerank-styles',
} );
The below Tailwind CSS configuration is used for all Force-UI components. You don’t need to copy/paste it. To override a component color, copy the color property name and use it in your Tailwind CSS configuration with the new value, as shown in the example above.
const defaultTheme = {
theme: {
extend: {
colors: {
// brand
'brand-background-50': '#EFF6FF',
'brand-background-hover-100': '#DBEAFE',
'brand-200': '#BFDBFE',
'brand-border-300': '#93C5FD',
'brand-400': '#60A5FA',
'brand-500': '#3B82F6',
'brand-primary-600': '#2563EB',
'brand-hover-700': '#1D4ED8',
'brand-800': '#1E40AF',
'brand-900': '#1E3A8A',
'brand-text-950': '#172554',
// background
'background-primary': '#FFFFFF',
'background-secondary': '#F3F4F6',
'background-inverse': '#111827',
'background-brand': '#2563EB',
'background-important': '#DC2626',
// field
'field-primary-background': '#F9FAFB',
'field-secondary-background': '#FFFFFF',
'field-primary-hover': '#F3F4F6',
'field-secondary-hover': '#F3F4F6',
'field-dropzone-background': '#FFFFFF',
'field-border': '#E5E7EB',
'field-dropzone-background-hover': '#F9FAFB',
'field-dropzone-color': '#2563EB',
'field-label': '#111827',
'field-input': '#111827',
'field-helper': '#6B7280',
'field-background-disabled': '#F9FAFB',
'field-color-disabled': '#BDC1C7',
'field-placeholder': '#6B7280',
'field-border-disabled': '#F3F4F6',
'field-color-error': '#DC2626',
'field-border-error': '#FECACA',
'field-background-error': '#FEF2F2',
'field-required': '#DC2626',
// border
'border-interactive': '#2563EB',
'border-subtle': '#E5E7EB',
'border-strong': '#6B7280',
'border-inverse': '#374151',
'border-disabled': '#E5E7EB',
'border-muted': '#E5E7EB',
'border-error': '#DC2626',
'border-transparent-subtle': '#37415114',
'border-white': '#FFFFFF',
// text
'text-primary': '#111827',
'text-secondary': '#4B5563',
'text-tertiary': '#6B7280',
'text-on-color': '#FFFFFF',
'text-error': '#DC2626',
'text-error-inverse': '#F87171',
'text-inverse': '#FFFFFF',
'text-disabled': '#BDC1C7',
'text-on-button-disabled': '#9CA3AF',
// link
'link-primary': '#2563EB',
'link-primary-hover': '#1D4ED8',
'link-inverse': '#38BDF8',
'link-visited': '#7C3AED',
'link-visited-inverse': '#A78BFA',
'link-inverse-hover': '#7DD3FC',
// icon
'icon-primary': '#111827',
'icon-secondary': '#4B5563',
'icon-on-color': '#FFFFFF',
'icon-inverse': '#FFFFFF',
'icon-interactive': '#2563EB',
'icon-on-color-disabled': '#9CA3AF',
'icon-disabled': '#BDC1C7',
// support
'support-error': '#DC2626',
'support-success': '#16A34A',
'support-warning': '#EAB308',
'support-info': '#0284C7',
'support-error-inverse': '#F87171',
'support-success-inverse': '#4ADE80',
'support-warning-inverse': '#FDE047',
'support-info-inverse': '#38BDF8',
// button
'button-primary': '#2563EB',
'button-primary-hover': '#1D4ED8',
'button-secondary': '#1F2937',
'button-secondary-hover': '#374151',
'button-tertiary': '#FFFFFF',
'button-tertiary-hover': '#F9FAFB',
'button-danger': '#DC2626',
'button-danger-secondary': '#DC2626',
'button-danger-hover': '#B91C1C',
'button-disabled': '#F3F4F6',
'button-tertiary-border': '#E5E7EB',
'button-tertiary-color': '#111827',
// focus
focus: '#2563EB',
'focus-inset': '#FFFFFF',
'focus-inverse': '#38BDF8',
'focus-inverse-inset': '#111827',
'focus-error': '#DC2626',
'focus-border': '#BFDBFE',
'focus-error-border': '#FECACA',
// misc
'misc-highlight': '#BFDBFE',
'misc-overlay': '#11182780',
'misc-skeleton-background': '#F3F4F6',
'misc-skeleton-element': '#BDC1C7',
'misc-popup-button-hover': '#1118270D',
'misc-tab-item-hover': '#E5E7EB',
'misc-dropdown-hover': '#F3F4F6',
'misc-loader-base': '#1118270D',
'misc-loader-color': '#2563EB',
'misc-progress-background': '#E5E7EB',
// badge
'badge-background-gray': '#F9FAFB',
'badge-color-gray': '#1F2937',
'badge-hover-gray': '#F3F4F6',
'badge-border-gray': '#E5E7EB',
'badge-background-red': '#FEF2F2',
'badge-color-red': '#B91C1C',
'badge-hover-red': '#FEE2E2',
'badge-border-red': '#FECACA',
'badge-background-yellow': '#FEFCE8',
'badge-color-yellow': '#A16207',
'badge-hover-yellow': '#FEF9C3',
'badge-border-yellow': '#FEF08A',
'badge-hover-green': '#DCFCE7',
'badge-border-green': '#BBF7D0',
'badge-background-green': '#F0FDF4',
'badge-color-green': '#15803D',
'badge-background-sky': '#F0F9FF',
'badge-color-sky': '#0369A1',
'badge-hover-sky': '#E0F2FE',
'badge-border-sky': '#BAE6FD',
'badge-background-disabled': '#F3F4F6',
'badge-color-disabled': '#BDC1C7',
'badge-hover-disabled': '#F3F4F6',
'badge-border-disabled': '#E5E7EB',
'badge-background-important': '#DC2626',
// alert
'alert-background-neutral': '#FFFFFF',
'alert-border-neutral': '#E5E7EB',
'alert-background-danger': '#FEF2F2',
'alert-border-danger': '#FECACA',
'alert-background-warning': '#FEFCE8',
'alert-border-warning': '#FEF08A',
'alert-background-green': '#F0FDF4',
'alert-border-green': '#BBF7D0',
'alert-background-info': '#F0F9FF',
'alert-border-info': '#BAE6FD',
// tab
'tab-background': '#F3F4F6',
'tab-border': '#E5E7EB',
// tooltip
'tooltip-background-light': '#FFFFFF',
'tooltip-background-dark': '#111827',
// toggle
'toggle-off': '#E5E7EB',
'toggle-on': '#2563EB',
'toggle-dial-background': '#FFFFFF',
'toggle-off-hover': '#BDC1C7',
'toggle-off-border': '#BDC1C7',
'toggle-on-hover': '#3B82F6',
'toggle-on-border': '#60A5FA',
'toggle-on-disabled': '#EFF6FF',
'toggle-off-disabled': '#F3F4F6',
width: {
'1/7': '14.2857143%',
'1/8': '12.5%',
'1/9': '11.1111111%',
'1/10': '10%',
'1/11': '9.0909091%',
'1/12': '8.3333333%',
boxShadow: {
'0px 6px 32px -12px rgba(149, 160, 178, 0.12)',
'soft-shadow': '0px 8px 32px -12px rgba(149, 160, 178, 0.16)',
'0px 10px 32px -12px rgba(149, 160, 178, 0.2)',
'0px 12px 32px -12px rgba(149, 160, 178, 0.24)',
'0px 16px 32px -12px rgba(149, 160, 178, 0.32)',
'0px 24px 64px -12px rgba(149, 160, 178, 0.32)',
'soft-shadow-inner': '0px 1px 1px 0px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.05)',
fontSize: {
tiny: '0.625rem',
spacing: {
120: '30rem', // 480px
95: '23.75rem', // 380px
141.5: '35.375rem', // 566px
188: '47rem', // 752px
zIndex: {
999999: '999999',
plugins: [],
corePlugins: {
preflight: false,