🤗 KLUE RE(Relation Extraction) Dataset으로 주어진 문장의 지정된 두 Entity의 관계를 추출, 분류하는 Task.
🤗 Public, Private 데이터가 분리된 Leaderboard 평가가 이루어짐.
🤗 하루 10회로 모델 제출 제한
- 'klue/roberta-large' with BiLSTM
- Modify Input format
- Typed Entity Marker with Punctuation
- Add Query like Question and Answering
- Augmentation
- Subject & Object Entity Random Masking
- Random Delete
- Entity swap
- Ensemble
- Stratified K-Fold & OOF(Out-of-Fold) Prediction
- K-fold Ensemble via weighted soft voting
- Model docs
- Augmentation docs
pip install -r requirements.txt
# default wandb setting in train.py
run = wandb.init(project= 'klue', entity= 'quarter100', name= f'KFOLD_{fold}_{args.wandb_path}')
python train.py
Models are saved in "./best_model/".
python inference_fold.py
Prediction csv files are saved in "./prediction".
python vote.py
Ensemble result is saved in "./prediction/submission_fold_total.csv".