You can use this program to test motors connected to an ESC board that speaks 0xFEEDC0DE64's Bobby Car Protocol.
After starting the program, the left motor will spin up to maximum speed (1000) in steps of 100, using FOC Voltage mode with a soft current limit of 2 A.
mkdir build && cd build/
cmake ..
./motor-tester /dev/ttyUSB0
The default baud rate is 38400. If you require a different baud rate, you can specify the baud rate as the second parameter, ex.:
./motor-tester /dev/ttyUSB0 115200
The program will continuously output the current state of the motors received from the device in the following format:
left : S 21.3980 E00 H100
right: S 0.0000 E00 H110
Here, S 21.3980
represents the speed in km/h at a wheel diameter of 16.5 cm. E00
shows the current error number. H100
shows the current state of the hall sensors.