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Code Challenge: Event Arrangement


  1. pure js, no frameworks
  2. no events may visually overlay
  3. if two events collide in time, they must have same width W
  4. W must be maximum possible
  5. each event will be given as a javascrpt object with a start and end attribute. The value of attribute is a number of minutes since 9 am. So {start:30,end 30} represents an event from 9:30 to 10:30.
  6. implement a gloabl function layOutDay(events) to render events in a container that is 620px wide ( 600px + 10px * 2 padding) and 720px long ( the day will end at 9 pm ).



  1. 原生js,不能用vue等框架的
  2. 所有事件不能重叠
  3. 如果2个事件时间上冲突,他们必须等宽,设宽为W,W必须为所能达到的最大值。
  4. 每个事件又一个js对象表示,其包含startend 两个属性,该属性表示到早上9点的分子数,例如{start:30,end 30} 表示早上 9:30 to 10:30 的事件.
  5. 请设计一个全局函数layOutDay(events), 它能在 620px 宽 ( 600px + 10px * 2 padding) 、 720px 高 ( 改日晚上9点结束 )的 容器中显示出日历事件.