This is the application made by using the Next.js. The Metropolitan Museum of Art of New York City's museum's data is fetched by API and then the application can able to perform the authentication functionality as well as the search, delete, and rendering with the help of react hooks and libraries. The application is deployed using the vercel.
This is the ideal Museum Website which is made by using Next.js and Node.ja mainly. I have created the API to fetch the sample loade data on MongoDB atlas. You can find the API code of backed devlopment in my github profile. As i am also citing it below:
Secondly, To develop a modern, responsive user interface for searching and viewing data on the publicly available Metropolitan Museum of Art Collection API. By using the knowledge of React, Next.js and React Bootstrap to develop my solution. However, if you wish to use a different UI library such as Material UI, etc. or add additional images, styles or functionality, please go ahead. I have also attacted the linked below:
- Authentification from JWT
- Jotai
- React hooks
- useatom
- Bootstarp UI
To use the application, user must register herself/himself by giving the username and password. User must confirm the password before proceeding the Next Step. Secondly, User will logion to System. With the correct info user is able to access the application. Aftyer taht user can search or make an advanced search to grt the antique information. App will render the output accoridng to the search. User can also see the search history and the favorite list. The application also p[rovide user to remove the previous search from the search histore as well as the favorite item. In future, after doing the logout, user can also get his/her account activity back by log in in once again.
As you can see here "Mishwa" is logged in here
She search the flower and get her result
Her search history is added in list, she also remove it by clicking on cross button
She is adding the favorite item in favorite
As she can see the item in favorite list
She logged out and loge in again and get her account activity back