About Me
🔭 Contract Web Development Duke Energy
🌱 I'm currently learning React/Redux, Python, Java, Express, jQuery
👯 I'm looking to collaborate on Any web audio or open source educational tools.
🤝 I'm looking for help with Learning React
👨💻 All of my projects are available at https://bgoonz.github.io/
📝 I regularly write articles on medium && Web-Dev-Resource-Hub
💬 Ask me about Anything:
📫 How to reach me bryan.guner@gmail.com
⚡ Fun fact I played Bamboozle Music Festival at the Meadowlands Stadium Complex when I was 14.
A Random Walk Down Wall Street
Hitchhiker's Guide To The Galaxy
Designing recording software/hardware and using it
Try harder and listen to your parents more (the latter bit of advice would be almost certain to fall on deaf ears lol)
I built a platform that listens to a guitarist's performance and automatically triggers guitar effects at the appropriate time in the song.
Is it to basic to say Tesla... I know they're prevalent now but I've been an avid fan since as early as 2012.
Having really good ideas and forgetting them moments later.
A text
Creating things that change my every day life.
Modern Physics... almost changed my major after that class... but at the end of the day engineering was a much more fiscally secure avenue.
Learned to code ... and sing
*Disclaimer: The following wisdom is very cliche ... but... "Be the change that you wish to see in the world."
Mahatma Gandhi
| | ## Portfolio:
551-254-5505 | bryan.guner@gmail.com
Languages: | JavaScript ES-6, NodeJS, HTML5, CSS3, SCSS, Bash Shell, SQL, MATLAB, Python, C++, Mathematica, JSON |
Frameworks / Libraries: | React, Redux, ExpressJS, Gatsby, NextJS, Ant-Design, Loadash, Sequelize, GraphQL, AJAX, Jest, Mocha, jQuery, Electron |
Databases: | PostgreSQL, MongoDB, SQlite3 |
Tools: | Figma, Adobe XD, GitHub, GitLab, Excel, VSCode, Sublime Text, Atom, Google Analytics, Bootstrap, Tailwind, FontAwesome |
Tools (continued): | Docker, Firebase, Postman, Wordpress, Chrome Dev Tools, Jira, Trello, Confluence, Firebase, AWS S3, Okta, Algolia, Loadash |
Hosting: | Heroku, Netlify, Vercel, Wordpress, Cloudfare, AWS, Firebase, Digital Ocean |
Operating Systems: | Linux, Windows (WSL), IOS |
Gatsby GraphQL-Blog Live Site |GitHub
Stack: JavaScript, React / Gatsby | GraphQL | SCSS | Lodash | Jamstack | Facebook Comments API | jQuery | Firebase
Aweb development blogfeaturing convenient web development tools and interactive content
- Implemented 4 Gatsby page models and GraphQL schema to fetch markdown content and feed it into react components.
- Designed and integrated a set of convenient web-hosted developer tools and GUI interfaces.
- Added interactive content including comments, video conferencing, data-structure visualization, games and full text search.
Autonomously Triggered Guitar Effects Platform** Live Site| GitHub**
Stack: C++ | Python | MATLAB | PureData
Platformdesigned to analyze a time sequence of notes and autonomously trigger guitar effects ata predetermined point in the song
- Used pure data to filter a guitar signal before executing frequency domain analysis and implementing custom built guitar effects.
- Implemented the Dynamic Time Warping algorithm in C++ and Python to generate a time agnostic measure of similarity between performances.
- Autonomously activated or adjusted guitar effects at multiple pre-designated sections of performance.
Data Structures Interactive Teaching ToolLive Site |** GitHub**
Stack: jQuery | ExpressJS | Google Analytics |Algolia Full Text Search | Amazon S3
Awebsitefor visualizing and practicing data structures and algorithms in JavaScript & Python
- Implemented an repl.it backend to enable commenting using express and the fs module to write user comments to a storage.json file.
- Developed proprietary npm package to recursively walk the project directory structure and generate a site navigation page.
- Created multiple embedded data structure visualizations that interact with user input.
- Automated the generation and submission of a sitemapto (Google, Bing, and Yandex) on every build.
Product Development Engineer | Cembre, Edison, NJ__|Oct 2019 - Mar 2020
- Converted client's product needs into technical specs to be sent to the development team in Italy.
- Reorganized internal file server structure and conducted system integration and product demonstrations.
- Presided over internal and end user software trainings in addition to producing customer facing documentation.
- Conducted electrical conductivity & tensile testing of electrical components and presided over troubleshooting railroad hardware and software in North America.
Family Promise Service Tracker
Full Stack Web Development Intern | Remote | Sept 2021 - Present Live Site |GitHub
Stack: React | Redux | ExpressJS | Figma | Okta | AWS
Anappbuilt to helps local communities provide services to address the root causes of family homelessness
- Collaborated on state management using Redux to handle application state and middleware using redux-promise & redux-thunk.
- Built two graphic visuals of the user hierarchy and the scope of their permissions as well as maintained the team's docs.
- Created Figma UI mockups for possible future developments, such as displaying metrics data and map pinpoint functionality.
Lambda School , Full Stack Web Development
May 2020 - Nov 2021
Six-month immersive software development course with a focus on full stack web development. Over 2000 hours of work invested including class time, homework, and projects.
B.S. Electrical Engineering , TCNJ, Ewing NJ 2014 – 2019
Knowledge of circuit boards, processors, chips, electronic equipment, and computer hardware and software, including applications and programming.
References & further work experience available upon request.
My Projects
Project Name | Skills used | Description |
Web-Dev-Resource-Hub (blog) | Html, Css, javascript, Python, jQuery, React, FireBase, AWS S3, Netlify, Heroku, NodeJS, PostgreSQL, C++, Web Audio API | My blog site contains my resource sharing and blog site ... centered mostly on web development and just a bit of audio production / generally nerdy things I find interesting. |
Dynamic Guitar Effects Triggering Using A Modified Dynamic Time Warping Algorithm | C, C++, Python, Java, Pure Data, Matlab | Successfully completed and delivered a platform to digitize a guitar signal and perform filtering before executing frequency & time domain analysis to track a current performance against prerecorded performance.Implemented the Dynamic Time Warping algorithm in C++ and Python to autonomously activate or adjust guitar effect at multiple pre-designated section of performance. |
Data Structures & Algorithms Interactive Learning Site | HTML, CSS, Javascript, Python, Java, jQuery, Repl.it-Database API | A interactive and comprehensive guide and learning tool for DataStructures and Algorithms ... concentrated on JS but with some examples in Python, C++ and Java as well |
MihirBeg.com | Html, Css, Javascript, Bootstrap, FontAwesome, jQuery | A responsive and mobile friendly content promotion site for an Audio Engineer to engage with fans and potential clients |
Tetris-JS | Html, Css, Javascript | The classic game of tetris implemented in plain javascipt and styled with a retro-futureistic theme |
Git Html Preview Tool | Git, Javascript, CSS3, HTML5, Bootstrap, BitBucket | Loads HTML using CORS proxy, then process all links, frames, scripts and styles, and load each of them using CORS proxy, so they can be evaluated by the browser. |
Mini Project Showcase | HTML, HTML5, CSS, CSS3, Javascript, jQuery | add songs and play music, it also uses to store data in INDEXEDB Database by which we can play songs, if we not clear the catch then song will remain stored in database. |