VCC Checker $3 is a powerful Python-based tool designed to bulk-check virtual credit cards (VCC) by charging $3 on each card using the Stripe API. It supports proxy rotation for enhanced security, provides detailed error handling, and logs every transaction attempt. The tool outputs live and failed cards to separate files, ensuring optimal results.
When executed, the tool provides real-time feedback directly in the terminal:
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Author: Mh. Taufiq Hidayatulloh
Masukkan path file kartu (cc.txt): cc.txt
Masukkan path file proxy (proxy.txt) atau kosongkan jika tidak ingin menggunakan proxy: proxy.txt
Success: ['4111111111111111', '12', '25', '123']
Failed: ['5500000000000004', '11', '26', '456'] - Proxy error/die
Linux, Windows, Termux:
git clone
cd VCC_Checker999
pip install -r requirements.txt
Create a .env
file and add yourStripe API key:
echo "STRIPE_API_KEY=your_stripe_secret_key" > .env
Run the script:
Before running the script, ensure you have the following Python packages installed:
- stripe
- requests
- colorama
- dotenv
You can install all dependencies with:
pip install -r requirements.txt
Card Input: The user provides a .txt
file containing a list of credit cards in the format card|mm|yy|cvv
Proxy Support: Optionally, a proxy file can be provided in the format ip:port
for each line, ensuring you avoid IP blocks during the charge process.
Charge Process: The tool checks each card against the Stripe API, charging $3. If a proxy fails, the script switches to the next one in the list and retries.
Logging: All results, both successful and failed charges, are logged in separate files ( Live charger $3.txt
and Failed charger $3.txt
), while errors are printed in the terminal.
Real-time Output: Each success is displayed in green and each failure in red, offering clear visual feedback during execution.
Proxy Errors: If a proxy fails, the tool will attempt to rotate through proxies from the provided list, ensuring minimal disruptions.
Network/Timeout Issues: Timeout and connection errors will be flagged in red in the terminal, and corresponding cards will be marked as failed.
Invalid File Format: The tool will alert users if the credit card or proxy files do not adhere to the required format.
Make sure to monitor the logs ( vcc_checker.log
) for detailed troubleshooting and performance insights.