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The seeks project aims at fostering an alternative view on the state and future of websearch. As such it plays at the crossroad of databases, p2p, collaborative filtering and social networking. Below are listed some resources of interest (websearch, engines, p2p, social net & sharing, important articles).


  • Today's dominant websearch scheme is based on the combination of crawling / indexing / searching & advertising. Several websites are tied to this model, and provide information to SEOs (Search Engine Optimizers), marketers and webmasters.
  • However, there is a number of alternate search engines, some of which appear below.

Press Review

A list is of interesting news, tech and scientific articles is maintained by Seeks users and enthusiasts: Press Review

General articles and news

Alternative Search Engines

Anonymous query (truely: if you trust them):

Some websearch engines: Some real-time search engines: Decision engines (or so-called): Computing engines: answers.

Categorization engines:

  • Kosmix - A surprisingly good engine with categorized results.
Human powered websearch:
  • Wikia Search - Unfortunately, it's dead. This was the closest engine to the one defended by the seeks project.

Information Websites

  • SearchEngineLand - A business and marketing news website with focus on search engines. Premium members get double voodoo information on the current doxa of proprietary, advertizing-based models for websearch. If there is a future for consensus-based, collaborative websearch, these guys aren't seeing it.
  • Abondance - A rather weird galaxy of French websites. Seems less pure business oriented than its US counterpart, but still, neither social or alternative models of websearch are considered. Though the author seems well inspired, sometimes.
  • Pandia Search Engines News - Another business and optimization oriented news websites whose articles are technically more interesting and original than that of its competitors. The weekly news wrapup is worth a look.
  • Jim Jansen's blog

Interesting, academia oriented, blog on websearch

P2P search has retained the attention of many computer scientists. However, it is well known that its efficiency is well below that of centralized systems. As such, P2P keyword search (and thus websearch><) appears as a holy graal of P2P research.

features, such as self-publishing.