AkatroxDiscordSync performs synchronization operations between your Discord and Minecraft servers and offers many features.
⠀⠀⠀❌ Attention! The plugin requires LuckPerms and PlaceHolderAPI plugins to work.
⠀⠀⠀❌ Attention! For the plugin to work, you must request a free license from Discord. (discord.gg/akatrox)
✅ Check if users who have set specific rank groups and linked their accounts are in that group, and ensure they have the corresponding role on your Discord server. For example: Give the akatroxdiscordsync.vip
permission to your VIP group (you configure the .vip
part in the config) and set the corresponding Discord role ID in the configuration. If the user purchases VIP, they will automatically have the VIP role on Discord. Moreover, when this user enters the server, it is checked simultaneously. If the VIP period expires, the role is removed.
✅ Create a standard matching role and give special rewards to it. You can still give a synchronization role on your Discord to users who have linked their accounts but do not belong to any group or boost. Moreover, you can set the rewards that users can earn after linking from the config by default.
✅ Support for 2FA protection.
✅ Discord commands for !ip and !site.
✅ Support for PlaceHolderAPI "%akatroxdiscordsync_boost% / %akatroxdiscordsync_sync% / %akatroxdiscordsync_claimboostrewardtiming%"
✅ Enable users to use a special weekly reward command (/adsync claimboost) in-game when they support your Discord server to check whether it has been supported.
✅ With this in-game command of the player reporting system, you can track instant in-game complaints via your Discord channel. (/adsync report )
✅ Instantly log and process in-game commands and in-game messages on your Discord channels.
✅ Set the channel where the account linking command in Discord will run, and ensure that it runs only on a single channel. (Prevents the command from running on every channel and causing visual clutter)
✅ A /serverinfo command in the Discord channel allows you to access information about the game such as the number of online players and uptime duration instantly.
📌 /serverinfo : This is a Discord slash command. It provides instant access to information about the game such as the number of online players and uptime duration.
📌 /verify <your in-game name> : This is a Discord slash command. You generate a code to link your account. You then enter this code in the game as /adsync verify <code> to link your account.
📌 /adsync verify <code> : This allows you to link your account by entering the code you obtained from Discord.
📌 /adsync report <player name> <report reason> : You express your complaint about a player. It sends it to the designated channel on Discord to reach the authorities quickly.
📌 /adsync info : You learn the Discord username information of the linked account. (Will be more detailed in future updates)
📌 /adsync reload : Reloads all Language and Config files of the plugin. (It is recommended to restart the server directly for major changes)
📄 akatroxdiscordsync.user : Allows you to use basic player commands such as account linking and info.
📄 akatroxdiscordsync.<perm> : This allows you to give a special role in Discord to a permission group set in the config.
❗️Whatever you write in the place where vip is written below in the config, you will also give that permission to that group in LuckPerms. For example, if you wrote vip, you will give the akatroxdiscordsync.vip permission to your LuckPerms vip group as shown below.❗️
📩 Thanks to PlaceHolderAPI, you can inform players in many places such as Hologram, Scoreboard & TAB on your server. These are listed below.
🔍 %akatroxdiscordsync_sync% : Shows whether the player has linked their account or not. Returns a value of True & False.
🔍 %akatroxdiscordsync_boost% : Shows whether the player has boosted your Discord server or not. Returns a value of True & False.
🔍 %akatroxdiscordsync_claimboostrewardtiming% : If your player has boosted your Discord server and claimed their reward (/adsync claimboost), it shows the remaining time to claim the reward again. (Players can claim rewards once a week, this shows the countdown)