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Access Control

aboudjem edited this page Sep 25, 2024 · 5 revisions

Nexus - Access Control Documentation

Table of Contents

1. Introduction

Nexus is a modular smart account system compliant with ERC-7579 and ERC-4337, designed to provide customizable and secure account management for blockchain transactions. This document outlines the access control mechanisms that safeguard the Nexus Smart Account from unauthorized access and manipulation.

2. Deployment and Upgrade Strategy

Nexus follows the UUPS Proxy Pattern from ERC-1822, enabling future upgrades while maintaining access control integrity. Only the EntryPoint contract or the Nexus smart account itself can authorize upgrades, ensuring the system remains secure.


EntryPoint Contract:
The EntryPoint contract, used across all EVM-compatible chains, handles key operations like validating and executing user transactions. While Nexus relies on it, it’s not exclusive to Nexus. Every Account Abstraction implementation uses EntryPoint to manage transaction flow.

3. Access Control Mechanisms

Nexus enforces access control through several key modifiers, ensuring that only authorized entities can interact with its functions. These are:

  • onlyEntryPointOrSelf
    Restricts access to the EntryPoint contract or the smart account itself. This prevents external contracts from executing sensitive functions.

  • onlyEntryPoint
    Limits access strictly to the EntryPoint for critical operations like transaction validation and execution.

  • onlyExecutorModule
    Ensures that only authorized Executor modules can initiate transaction executions. This adds an additional layer of security around execution control.

  • withHook
    Adds pre- and post-execution checks using hook modules. These hooks allow custom logic to be executed before and after each transaction, enhancing flexibility and security.

  • withRegistry
    Verifies modules via the ERC-7484 registry to ensure they meet required attestation standards. This ensures secure third-party integrations.


Module Installation:
Modules are added using the installModule function, which checks for duplicates or incompatible modules, ensuring that only necessary and valid modules are installed on the smart account.

4. User Operation Validation

The validateUserOp function ensures each transaction is authorized and correctly structured by verifying signatures and nonce alignment. Validation tasks are forwarded to the relevant Validator module, which checks compliance with security rules.


Secure Transaction Flow:
Only transactions validated through this process are allowed, providing a strong defense against unauthorized transactions or replay attacks.

5. Execution Permissions

Nexus enables flexible transaction execution through the executeFromExecutor function, allowing Executor modules to perform transactions on behalf of the smart account.

  • Executor Verification: Only registered Executor modules are permitted to trigger transactions.
  • Hook Integration: Transactions go through hook modules for additional checks before and after execution.


Secure Execution:
This ensures that only authorized modules can perform transaction executions, protecting the account from unauthorized operations.

6. Technical Features

Nexus employs advanced technical features to improve security and prevent operational conflicts between modules.

Namespaced Storage with ERC-7201

Nexus uses ERC-7201 to manage storage, ensuring that different modules do not interfere with each other’s data. This provides state integrity and prevents storage collisions between modules.


Isolated Storage:
Each module operates within its own storage, preventing data corruption and unintended behavior.

7. Security Audits and Best Practices

Nexus regularly undergoes security audits by leading firms like OpenZeppelin, Spearbit, and Cyfrin, focusing on:

  • Access Control: Ensuring all access control mechanisms are correctly implemented and enforced.
  • System Integrity: Identifying vulnerabilities and ensuring overall system security.


Security Audits:
These audits verify the robustness of Nexus's security architecture and ensure it operates as intended.

8. User Responsibility

Although Nexus provides a highly secure and audited environment, users are ultimately responsible for managing their accounts. Thus, users should follow best practices in securing their private keys and account access.


User Accountability:
Biconomy cannot recover lost funds or access for compromised accounts. Always secure your private keys and manage your account responsibly.