To collaborate while creating a new DFA public portal.
DFA Public uses GitHub actions to build the software.
The Github Action does a Docker Build
The Docker Build uses trion/ng-cli-karma as the base.
As such, start with setting your Node version to the current version. As of 6/20/2024 this was Node.js 20.14.0 (from lts-slim, the parent of trion/ng-cli).
nvm install 20.14.0
nvm use 20.14.0
You will also need to install the Angular CLI as of 6/20/2024 this was 18.0.4
npm install -g @angular/cli@18.0.4
These versions will change over time; the DFA Public build uses the current image for trion/ng-cli-karma.
Trion also installs a few other libraries:
npm install -g pnpm
Next, do a package install:
npm ci
Then you can start the front end:
npm start
Use Edge to go to the local dev environment.