A python script that utilizes hvac and pykeepass libs and vault apis to read credentials from KeePass and push it to vault
To clone the repo:
To build and run the image:
- Docker (https://www.docker.com/products/docker-desktop) or Podman (https://podman.io/)
3. Replace the following variables in the environment configuration file (e.g. conf/vault-test) with appropriate values
Obtain vault token from UI by going to https://vault-iit-dev.apps.silver.devops.gov.bc.ca/ and click on profile icon on the top right hand corner and Copy token
Run the following commands in the terminal:
#build the image
docker build -t "appdev:py-keepass-vault" .
#set environment config
export VAULT_ENV=conf/env-test
#run the script to load keepass data
podman run --rm --name vaultloader --env-file $VAULT_ENV -v "$(pwd):/home" appdev:py-keepass-vault ./scripts/load_keepass.sh
#list the data you loaded
podman run --rm --name vaultloader --env-file $VAULT_ENV -v "$(pwd):/home" appdev:py-keepass-vault ./scripts/list_secrets.sh
You may want to clean up after a test load. Do the following to permanently delete your test data.
Destroy secrets:
podman run --rm --name vaultloader --env-file $VAULT_ENV -v "$(pwd):/home" appdev:py-keepass-vault ./scripts/destroy_secrets.sh
Destroy metadata:
podman run --rm --name vaultloader --env-file $VAULT_ENV -v "$(pwd):/home" appdev:py-keepass-vault ./scripts/destroy_metadata.sh