This project contains the helm charts for batnoter deployment on kubernetes cluster. This repo can be used as a helm repository for batnoter charts.
The github wokflows present in this repo will release and publish the helm chart on push event. This setup is created by referencing the charts-repo-actions-demo by helm.
Helm Repository URL -
Helm Repository Metadata URL -
Note: Make sure to update the chart version before pushing your changes to main
branch. Otherwise the workflow will fail because release and tag already exist with current version.
- Create a kubernetes cluster.
- Create a postgres database cluster on cloud platform & if required add the trusted sources to it. Make sure to also add the kubernetes cluster in the trusted sources.
- Postgres cluster may contain default database created by cloud provider. If you want you can create a new one with required name.
- Connect to database using pgAdmin and create
schema inside the database. - Make sure you create the kubernetes cluster and database cluster in the same region to avoid any latency issues.
helm repo add ingress-nginx
helm repo update
helm install ingress-nginx ingress-nginx/ingress-nginx -n ingress-nginx --create-namespace --set controller.publishService.enabled=true
Check if load balancer become available using below command
kubectl get svc -o wide nginx-ingress-ingress-nginx-controller -n ingress-nginx
NOTE: Copy the load balancer's external ip address and point it to A-record using your domain's dns interface.
This needs to be done before installing the application. Verify the updates are available using nslookup
If not then decrease the TTL of A-record and try nslookup
helm repo add jetstack
helm repo update
helm install cert-manager jetstack/cert-manager -n cert-manager --create-namespace --version v1.8.0 --set installCRDs=true
Verify cert-manager pods
kubectl get pods -n cert-manager
kubectl create namespace bn
kubectl create secret generic regcred \
--from-file=.dockerconfigjson=<path/to/.docker/config.json> \ -n bn
NOTE: Replace <path/to/.docker/config.json>
token with correct path
To verify the secret, run the below command
kubectl get secret regcred -o jsonpath='{.data}' -n bn
kubectl create secret generic postgres-secret \
--from-literal=DATABASE_PORT=<POSTGRES_PORT> -n bn
with correct values.
To verify the secret, run the below command
kubectl get secret postgres-secret -o jsonpath='{.data}' -n bn
kubectl create secret generic auth-secret \
--from-literal=APP_CLIENTURL= -n bn
with correct values.
To verify the secret, run the below command
kubectl get secret auth-secret -o jsonpath='{.data}' -n bn
Use the batnoter helm repository to install the application.
helm repo add batnoter
helm repo update
helm install batnoter batnoter/batnoter -n bn --create-namespace
If, for any reason, you want to install batnoter using local helm charts, then run the below command from root directory.
helm install batnoter charts/batnoter -n bn --create-namespace
Check all the pods are up and running with below command
kubectl get pods -n bn
Check all the services is in active state
kubectl get svc -n bn -o wide
Verify Let’s Encrypt certificate status
kubectl describe certificate batnoter-tls -n bn
kubectl describe clusterissuer letsencrypt-prod -n bn
kubectl get certificaterequest -n bn -o wide
kubectl get orders -n bn
kubectl get challenges -n bn
Make sure to link the name-servers of your cloud service provider to your domain using the interface provided by your domain registrar. Then route the incoming requests to load balancer by creating A-record (DNS record) with the interface provided by cloud service provider.
NOTE: If you were using an email hosting service previously with the domain, then you may need to create respective dns records for the email service provider inside your cloud provider. Otherwise, the incoming service won't work. This is because we have changed the name-servers of domain registrar. with the name-servers of cloud service provider. Since the DNS records lives inside name-servers, the old DNS records of domain registrar will no longer used. So make sure to configure respective dns records after updating name-servers.
You should now be able to access your domain on https with a valid certificate.
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