Game of life is a celluar automation which relies on interaction on the inital state through evolution.
- Cells live on a grid - 6x6.
- Each cell has its own state where 1 means a living cell and 0 means a dead cell.
- Each cell has neighbors that surround it.
- Initial state is random.
- Cells are evulating in generations. Each generation consists of calculating the new state of a cell is a function of all the states of neighboring cells at the previous moment in time.
- Cell comes alive when he has 3 neighbors.
- Cell survives when it has two or three living neighbors.
- Cell dies when it has less than 2 neighbors and greater than 4(overpopulation).
- Every step of time a new state is determined(Step Sim)
- Along with the random time for the event there is a random destruction of cells(Event Sim)